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Reply to "Today, Darkest Day in American History: Obama Officially Help USA Become Sodom & Gomorrah"

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The one thing Obummer, who calls himself first black president (and that's a lie because he is a bi-racial man), is that he made the great moral bastion USA a Sodom and Gomorrah country.


It's one thing to have tolerance policies, but another when you go out of your way to destroy centuries of good family values practices, and enshrine wickedness as civil rights.

First of all Biblical Sodom And Gomorrah were not dens of inequities because of gay people but as the torah stated because they were populated by envious, selfish and uncharitable people.


The supposed centuries of family value is mythical. Marriage was a contract to own property; the woman, and to cement political and economic interest. History hardly ever documented "family values" as we know it as the reason for people to marry.


Even so, centuries of gay people served the world proudly and without chastisement until recently. Michelangelo, Socrates, Plato, many of the roman generals we admire for strategy and modern times we have people like Turin staring you in the face for their sheer brilliance and not because they were gay.


It is us in the society who reviled them and intruded in their lives not they on us. This recent ruling means we keep our prejudices where is should be, to ourselves.


Biracial is just a term with no significance except to the person. Society calls him black as it will call you or any other person of color since blackness is not a feature  identifiable by any other metric other than  our prejudicial minds

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