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Reply to "The Racist Indian Lament...why dont you see me as being the genius I know I am!"

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Itaname, there are many Africans that are just as racist as Indians.  When we move to Barr Street in Kitty one of our neighbors were "elite Africans."  One of the sons was the CEO of Guyana Telecommunications.  These people never for a day said hello to us even though we tried to be friendly to them.  I recall that at about 8 years old I used to steal their sugar cane which was on the border with our property.  Their solution was to chop every sugar cane and get rid of it.

On the bright side some of our tenants were very poor Africans.  These were my best friends that I grew up with.



No one denies African racism inclusive of the institutionalized brand under Burnham. However, today we see a moderate black president forming a coalition with indians and an end to the black racially inspired violence of the 60's, 80's and so on.


But most of today's rural indian is still largely the same, unaccepting of blacks and even indians like you ("town c...lie" in their books). Look how they treat Moses, Ramjattan, Roopnarine, TK etc. Even our resident racist "baseman" was appalled at the way indians in india treat those of "lower" caste or darker color. If they do this to their own, then will they ever see blacks as equal human beings? Until indians address their own racism then we go nowhere. 


I have similar stories to yours. In high school there was an "indian" group. A few indian guys who limed with us endured their wrath for keeping company with black man. My poor indian friends were labelled "town c..lies" and treated as a lesser form of life by these children of rich rural indians.

I am trying to make the point that there is racism as a world view and racism in reaction to that world view. Now some may say it is merely labeling or classification for leveraging blame. I  am not doing that. I am seeking rational explanations for why there is this persisting schism among our peoples.


At some point one has to come up with a rational explanation as to why we are adversarial ethnic based cultures in the same social space and over two centuries are coming to a close and we have not build up a summoning creed that can categorize us as a people from a nation state sharing some common symbols and national identity.


We seem to be perpetually on a path of highlighting difference without forging commonality. Our nation cannot prosper in this state of protracted low level internecine warfare.


Why are there people like Cobra, or Ugli or even Nehru and baseman? There is a disconnect in their brains that they are dealing with other humans and every non indian are the "others". And we are the back ward others, cassava eaters, piwari drinkers, rapist, pillagers and every concept of worse than that they can conceive.


There is no easy way to put conceptualize their view. Stupidity may be an explanation and while some are of the ilk of  Cobra. dumber than dumb;  the template is not a universal fit.  Baseman for example, is driven by more than ignorance. That fellow believes god made him perfect. I am hard pressed for someone to give me an explanation that obviates that that culture subsidize this belief system.






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