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Guyana will heal when the PNC admits to their blatant racism and wrongdoings for attempting to exterminate Indos. You need to admit with some honesty that the PNC is equally responsible.

I have said time and again that Guyana needs a truth commission like South Africa to end and bury their differences.

The AFC/PNC were hollering about it one while in opposition and have now forgotten about their own call now that they are in office. They were also hollering about constitutional reform and have forgotten about it.

We must speak the whole truth and not half truths for Guyana to move forward.

It is a constant blame game: Indos vs Afros. 

The problem with Guyana is that Indos who speak in favour of their people are labelled as racists and the same apply for blacks who speak in favour of their people. There is no middle ground.

The Honourable Yuji 

