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The evil that men do lives after them.

In April,2015, Moses Nagamootoo said to the world in Brooklyn, New York that he is not an East Indian. At the time, he was in presence of the then Opposition Leader, Mr David Granger, campaigning for the 2015 Elections. The audience to which he spoke was a largely, Afro-Guyanese PNC gathering .         

So willing was he to please and "fit in", that he spinelessly abandoned his ancestry, his roots, fore parents, heritage, history, culture and ethnicity- all in one blow. His mission was political power. I suppose he felt that the end shall justify the means and was prepared to do just about anything to achieve that end. Earlier this week, the same

Nagamottoo shows up in New York, to receive an award from the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin for being an "outstanding Indian". What manner of human being would convert oneself into such an ethnic chameleon . I really do not have answer to that question . Do you?


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