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Reply to "‘The coming oil bonanza’ and bad signals-Tarron Khemraj"

Baseman posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...ayoo hear de book sense, no street sense kanta economis talking bout aile. He ever wuk in aile? Mr Trotman gat harvard certificate. Hey hey hey...

Hey TK, rather than always looking at the glass half-empty, why don't you be more constructive regarding economic/social matters Guyana.

Why don't you put together a forward looking positive take on what could be done to ensure the Oil wealth get's to the people?

With the oil bonanza to buttress the economy:

- How could it be used to boost the productivity and viability of Guyana's indigenous economy?

- How do they transform the agro economy with more value-add down streaming?

- How about farm subsidies to ensure a stable and abundance in supply?

- How do they diversify and become a regional export power?

- How do they ensure the economic wealth flows to every crevice of the society.

- How about new ventures like revitalizing small ship building?

- Etc

You're smart boy, I'm sure you get the gist of my point!

Hey hey hey...Mr TK cyant do dem ting doh...yuh gat to get doers like Trump and Mr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Jagdoe. Mr TK is a talker not a doer. Yuh need street sense, be hustler. Book sense is no sense. Hey hey hey...
