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My dear Chameli, you really came off sounding prejudiced against Muslims because you did not say anything on the fact that Mr. Ganga mentioned in one of his letters that he is working in collaboration with the Sai Baba organisation here in Guyana on his effort to bring awareness of the prevalence of suicide and the quote I posted by Sai Baba. You focused on the quote from the Quran which I, in my opinion has some relevance to the subject.

I am not a member of the group, it is just that I met with Mr. and Mrs. Ganga and I so much admire what they are doing (all voluntary) that this is my way of contributing my two cents worth of support. Nothing here is meant to be about religion or anything else except bringing awareness of the suicide problem in the country an trying to at least save someone from committing the act.

Best wishes to you and your family and I pray that you can offer some kind of support to our effort. Thank you. 
