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Reply to "Richard David for City Council District 28"



The facts are overwhelming

Richard never supported me when I fought against the NYC Board of Education to remove the trailers from Richmond Hill HS and requested a brand new court yard with a Tennis court

He never support me when I challenged the NYCBOE to replace its lame Principal

Richard never help the RHEDC to promote the development of a Business Improvement District along Liberty Ave

Richard never supported RHEDC with its Green Agenda

a - Planting 28 New Trees along Liberty Ave

b - Distribution of 2000 Daffodil bulbs yearly at Smoky Oval

c - Distribution of 500 Rainwater Barrels annually at Smokey Oval

d - Yearly Re-Habitation and sprucing up of Smoky Oval

He never support my weekly Senior Citizen Information Session except when he needed signed petitions


He never support RHEDC with our drive to add more garbage bins along Liberty Ave and to increase the frequency of garbage pickup

He never assisted in getting Liberty Ave and Lefferts Blvd to be priority Traffic corridors during a snow Storm

He never support RHEDC to UP Zone the Liberty Ave and 101st Ave  business corridors

He never assisted the RHEDC to get free Tickets for the children in Richmond Hill for the USOPEN kids Day

He never support RHEDC to get the IDNYC program in Richmond Hill

He never Support RHEDC in any capacity even though he was a VP at NYCEDC


Richard never support RHEDC challenge of the MTA (violation of 1990 ADA act) for the installation of the Elevator at Lefferts Blvd Station and upgrade of the 5 stations to comply with the ADA standard

But he support Wills to DOWN ZONE my Community

He attempted to closed down Players Restaurant

More to follow

his will tell most of who he is


Vish M