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Originally Posted by baseman:
. Please tell me, in 2011 Indians were 43%.  The PPP lost 7% to the AFC, that leaves 36% to vote PPP of which a few percent will vote PNC.  But let's forget that for now.  Who were the 13% which gave the PPP 49%?

The PNC got 41%.  Africans are 30% and 10% didn't vote PNC.  So 30% of the votes that the PNC received came from sources other than Africans.


Obviously mixed and Amerindians have to split their votes between the PPP, PNC and the AFC.



TK had a survey (LAPOP) which indicated that 93% of blacks and 78% of mixed people voted against the PPP.  The Amerindians gave the PPP 66% of their votes.


This survey was part of an overall one which studied the political attitudes of people throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, and so has credibility.


Now answer this question.


How did the mixed population increase by 70% in the past 20 years when the overall population only increased by 3%.  Your answer to that question will then suggest as to whether it is possible for the population over 18 to be ethnically the same as that under 18.  This will then indicate whether the Indian % of the voting age population is the same as the overall population.



I look forward to your response.

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