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Originally Posted by cain:

This is the first time we have seen the races come together for a purpose, the only time this ever occurred in Guyana would be in sports.


The people have finally united to remove the leeches from government and I cannot understand how these guys do not see any of this, all they see is the PPP/C party as the one and only...that's it.


Guess that's when I end abie time now.

This is what is being missed in the hurling of racist invectives left and right and the belittling of Nagamotto as traitors to their race. Indians know well they cannot stand like a bull in a field snorting and kicking up dust and insist that they are not stopping others from touching the grass. There is an inevitability in the air that is coming down the pike now or the next cycle. They cannot cry racism when they hide behind race now. We need to end this terrible state of affairs once and for all and the PPP is not pointing the way. While the APNU-AFC do not seem to be highlighting this obvious necessity the alone chose to broach the subject in a promise for constitution reform. Without it we are in for an ethnic conflagration in time.
