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Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Thanks for the correction....and seem to have a lot of insights into the operations of the inner circle of the ruling PNC government...

Perhaps you can explain why he is listed as a “University of Guyana, Business Management Faculty Member” 

And he is also an expert on land acquisition, reparations and redistributive justice, eh?

Philips needs to realize, and accept the fact that Guyana has many different races...

Here he his partisan best:



Yuh BOSSES in ROAR led by toupee man advocate openly for Indo rights. Ah neva see yuh complain about  dem.

Nothing wrong with advocating for rights of a particular race, especially in a polarized society like Guyana where blacks and indians squabble over resources and compete for "ahwe own".

I am for the rights of Indians, as long as their "rights" do not trample on my rights as a black man. Unfortunately some of  them (see some of yuh indian frens here) believe in subjugating black people and classifying us as savages. Well, them days over.

Now run along and check out Ravi Dev at his "partisan best" in some of he articles.


I dont have a problem with people advocating for their rights, promoting their self-interests, preserving their culture, etc....and I do agree with your statements above...including the chest-thumping bravado comment about “them days done”. I hope everyone feels that way in your backwater country called Guyana.

But, why all the hyperactive emotionalism about raising questions about a race-based plan, steeped in, as far as we can ascertain, a person’s subjective feelings about “what awe deserve”, and fraught with danger when implemented and based on dubious claims....Like Phillips “bill of Rights”, should the six races of Guyana create their own Bill of Rights and proceed to carve out their own ethnic enclaves? 

...if Amerindians and Indos make similar claims and fall in the same category, they should be roundly condemned.... 

How long have you seen me here to know that I have not complained about the racism on both sides of the killing field? 

As a “dougla” I believe I can see things differently....not jaundice-like...and the more I learn about Guyana and its people the more pessimistic I have become.

Deeply disappointed in you bro...thought you were one of the more level-headed person on this board.....seems like you too circling the ethnic wagon...looking for blood...with swords drawn...
