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Reply to "Reopened sugar estates may not be profitable – Jagdeo"

Prince posted:

Jagdeo is biting off more than he can chew when he said he will re-open the closed sugar estates. Now he is saying it may not be profitable. His next move is to tell Indo-Guyanese it was just a coolie promise to get votes. Your family cane-cutting days are over. If Jagdeo promise comes to fruition, he must invest in modern machinery to plant and harvest cane and get rid of cane cutters in general. Offer them alternative jobs. If they refuse, pay them off their severance pay and leave them to drink rum and kill themselves. You alone don't know about cane cutters and sugar factories. I believe this chapter should be close rather than beating old drums in modern time. Guyanese must adapt or get out of the way.

No one wants Guyana sugar as it is too expensive.  The EU buys almost no sugar from the Caribbean now and what it does get is at prices way below Guyanese costs.

Maybe he should force feed them sugar.
