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Reply to "Radical Islamic IDEOLOGY"

Kari posted:

caribny, let me explain. When you talk of bigotry against Muslims in the US and elsewhere ISIS does a dance. You know why because they say you did their dirty work for them. ISIS wants there to be two worlds - a "Muslim" world and a non-Muslim world. Here's where you were suckered into doing their job for them. ISIS knows they can't defeat a conventional army with tanks, planes, etc. So what they want is for Muslims to join their "Muslim" world. Note that their "Muslim" world is not the same as THE Muslim world. The Quran is the Quran and practices by evil people has nopthing to do with inspiration from the Quran. An evil person can draw inspiration from the Bible too or the Torah.


ISIS can only triumph if they get a large following. They got that in the Sunni lands in disaffected Shiite Iraq and falling-t0-pieces Syria. They want to go global now and enlist people like you who claim there is a problem with Islam and only Muslims can fix it. When Paris or San Bernadine happen they never planned or funded these Do-It-Yourself (DIY) terror attacks; but they will lay claim to it. They want you to say that only people who shout  Allah-O-Akbar are doing the terror. So you make the story that people don't go around causing terror while shouting JEsus Christ, then therefore there must be something wrong with Islam. then you delve into the writings in the Quran and say see ISIS's inspiration is in the Quran.


So caribny, ISIS will applaud you and Trump for doing its work of dividing the owtld in preparation for some mystical end-of-times great war of a clash of civilization.

Bunch of bull.

Something is very wrong with Islam today when people here and other places find sympathy and offer overt and covert support for a group like ISIS who douses "infidels" in sulfuric acid, chops the head of Christian fathers then places his head in the laps of his crying daughters and force them to spit on it, etc etc.  Al Qaeda was cruel, but ISIS takes the prize.  And to find people here [on this board] saying, time for peace.  Man, you can make whatever excuse you want, now Trump is the latest "recruiter" excuse.  Who you think you fooling?  ISIS had it's hordes of terrorist long before Trump ever uttered a word on the matter.

The issues of Islam and its image is for Muslims to fix, no one else.
