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Reply to "Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia"

Stupid ppl can do stupid things.

Kim Jong Un is Stupid and build bombs to drop on America.

Vlad Putin is only ONE stupidman, NATO exist only keep him in check. Yet he took Crimea, rigged America elections, blowup planes in the sky and backup those who fight ISIS.

Trump is wan stupidman too, percieved by our bright Guyanesez. Now, wah would happen if he was to blow up Russia and North America? Would he be considered smart all of a sudden?

Just, maybe  Trump already knows how bad those chaps are and he just wan to guage dem for a suitable response.

Doan fuget, Obama said Trump must not be trusted wid the nuclear codes.

Ppl want Trump to talk fight talk, yet must not be trusted with bombs.

Trump doan mince words.
