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Reply to "Politics have driven mistrust and falsehood in Guyanese society."

Prince posted:
Tola posted:

The mistrust might have started in 1838, when indenture labourers first arrived to replace the slaves.

The labourers accepted less payment for similar jobs,  that was paid to the free slaves. This  create tensions between the groups.

This mistrust was partially  shown in the film 1838. 

Welcome back, Tola. If that's the case, when did any politician in modern history tried to change that? If I am talking about this today, it means that it benefited politicians to play a mind game with its supporters. Instead of blaming politicians, what should we say about the supporters who buy into the politicians thinking and beliefs? Are they brained washed or are they simply making a world of their own likeness by denying the truth? 

Thanks Prince.  Time does not permit me to read or post on GNI more often.

I remember well in the 1960s, how race was used for political gain, by both major parties, including the colonial masters. 

I grew up in an Indian community with strong links to CJ and Port Mourant and knew little about Africans.

Until the early 1960s, when I got involved in Scouter's Training near the airport. In an uncomfortable manner we were placed in mixed race groups to compete with other patrols. Here  I discovered Africans were no different from my Indian friends and I made many life long African friendships.

But similar to both races, I do not accept any of the 'unpleasant'  things they tend to do.      
