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Reply to "Please understand our pain, don't protest against amended Citizenship Act: Pakistani Hindus"

Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Convenientiently labeling folks terrorists when they are fighting for freedom is wrong. 

Similarly it is wrong to say you are a freedom fighter whilst committing atrocious acts. Muslims who do that are in flagrant violation of the teachings of Islam.

If you hail leaders who are doing wrong or picking sides because of your religion then you are part of the problem.

Trump, Modi, etc doing right!

You shameless dumb-ass bigot ! Your idol Modi was directly responsible for the murder of something like 250 people simply because they were Muslims ! Despite being repeatedly requested by the police of his own state to ask for federal assistance he bluntly refused ! That is a historical fact and you now have the unmitigated gall to refer to Modi as someone you respect or admire ? Not only are you a monstrous bigot; you are nothing but a load of excrement and should be ashamed of voicing your admiration for someone who has clearly demonstrated such hate for citizens of his own state ! 

You are nothing but an accumulation of bigotry and excrement and should be among the first to feel trump’s heavy boot up your backside !

