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Reply to "Pineapple juice for cough relief: Does it work?"

Health benefits of pineapple juice

While the effectiveness of pineapple juice as a cough remedy is still in question, it does have nutritional properties that suggest it may help reduce cough symptoms.

Pineapple juice contains bromelain, a type of enzyme that research shows to have anti-inflammatory and pain reducing properties.

Bromelain may help relieve symptoms of asthma and other respiratory problems, as well as break down mucus. Another study shows bromelain to have the potential to help fight cancerous cells.

Bromelain is not known specifically to relieve a cough, but because of these other properties, it may help reduce some cough symptoms. It will still depend on the cause of a cough, however.

When considering the health benefits of pineapple juice, it is helpful to remember that it also contains:

  • high levels of vitamin C to support the immune system and eyesight
  • some fiber to help digestion
  • manganese, which helps prevent cell damage and aging
  • the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain
  • beta carotene, copper, zinc, and folate, which can boost fertility

Given the many health benefits of pineapple juice, there is little harm in using this remedy to assist healing.
