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Reply to "MASSIVE Turnout at PPP-C Meetings ."

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Please provide evidence from 2015 to current.

He rass forget coolie people mek nuff pickney.  One of my brother's classmate sold out his hotels in Venez and remigrated.  He brought his entire tribe (40) with him, all Guyanese citizens and 25 registered to vote.  The banna has 12 children, all grown and all returned to Guyana.

Banna alyuh need to face reality , there are predictions Guyana population will continue decreasing in the future, hopefully the windfall may deter migration. I have the US data up to 2018.

Guyana will due for census in 2022 ,we will find out more about migration.

No migration, nuff babies!
