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seignet posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Trump is not accepting the fact that Obama did not wire tap Trump tower  in NY. Time for Donald to have his heads(top and bottom) examined. Put he r@ss in wan mad house and lack am up.

Obama was going after the man as if he had first hand information. So positive was Obama, he sent some Russian Ambassadors packing back to Russia. Even leaving office, he was determined to declare the Russian connection. But he couldn't, he could end up in jail for that act against a Presidential Candidate. Instead, he had the Black Caucus declared Trump an illegal President.

Trump declared the wiretapping knowing Obama listening in on citizens in the past. Trump probably suspected. Especially with the Flynn fiasco.

I do not expect the FBI or the CIA to tell the truth. The consequences are too high for the first Black President. It would cause mayhem in America.

Siggy looks like you follow the Fake News Channel(FOX). Trump is a compulsive and pathological liar. This dude believes his own lies and ask others to prove his lies. He is out of touch with reality. Time for the mad house.
