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Reply to "Jagdeo has revealed the new PPP agenda – Ramkarran"

Kari posted:


Is Jagdeo, having taken over and reshaped the PPP into a new PPP, treasonous? Is there an Act of law that addresses "taking back"; Guyana? Surely Jagdeo invites some legal action.

As the Indian population declines through migration and miscegenation Jagdeo decided that he will become Lord of The Indians, fooling the Indian population that the best way for a PPP victory is for it to OPENLY mobilize itself around race.  

He definitely does this in NYC where most Indians left 30 years ago, so don't understand the degree to which the Indo population in Guyana has diminished, nor do they understand that it was only the alliance with Amerindians which saved the PPP in 2006 and 2011. 

And that this alliance wasn't large enough to save them last year. And in fact this alliance with Amerindians is fraying as they switch their votes to the new government. Evidence Lethem and Mabaruma. NEVER in the history of Guyana has a PNC dominated government ever won anything on the Rupununi, and in fact that region even opened rebelled against Burnham. 

So obviously Amerindians have decided that it is Granger who will determine what they will get over the next 4 years.  So have switched some of their votes to him. He is definitely wooing Amerindians, even more than he woos blacks. 

You see Granger knows what Jagdeo PRETENDS not to know, and that is no singular ethnic group can dominate Guyana, unless it forms cross ethnic alliances. 

Ramkarran's analysis of how demographic changes is exactly akin to mine, and I will NOT flatter myself into thinking that I influence his views, as the brown KKK will try to suggest, when they holler that he is a neemakaram, a niggindian, or a Congo/Kuffy lover.

Ramkarran is on the ground in Guyana and sees the reality, and the reality is that a PPP OPENLY becoming the brown KKK is doomed to destruction. 

This is the BEST news for Granger, whose base have become very disenchanted with him. In 2020, they will turn out in full numbers terrified at an angry Jagdeo winning.  And he will have eroded most of the PPP advantage among Amerindians as well.

It is clear that Jagdeo plans to destroy the PPP.
