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Reply to "Is your destiny written for you?"

The Bible teaches that us, human being was created with the ability to make moral choices and that we are responsible for those choices. The Fall of Man was not a predetermined event in which Adam and Eve were hapless victims of a Puppet-Master God. On the contrary, Adam and his wife had the ability to choose obedience with its attendant blessing or disobedience with its consequent curse. They knew what the result of their decision would be, and they were held accountable in Genesis 3.

Interestingly, many people who choose to sin are annoyed by the negative consequences of their sin. "A man's own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD", Proverbs 19:3. This is a very insightful verse. When a man foolishly wrecks his life, he may yet insist on blaming God, or perhaps "Fate." In this way, he persists in his folly.

The Bible teaches that God is in charge. At the same time, He has given us the freedom to obey or disobey Him, and there are some things that God does only in answer to prayer, James 4:2.

God knows the outcome of everyone life, our destiny is not already written when you are born. OUR ACTIONS as we grow determines our destiny.

God blesses the obedient, and He is patient with those who disobey, even to the point of seeming laxity. He has a plan for our lives, which includes our joy and His glory both in this world and in the world to come. Those who accept Christ as Savior have accepted God’s plan, John 14:6. From then on, it’s a step-by-step following of God’s best for us, praying for His will to be done, and avoiding the sidetrack of sin.
