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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Churchill posted:

The performance of the sugar industry depends a lot on the world demand. At one time there were over two hundred sugar factories operating in Guyana and as time went the demand dropped and eventually many countries suffered the downsizing of their factories. In Guyana mismanagement played a crucial role in the demise of this once vibrant industry. GUYSUCO failed to prepare the industry for diversification, the white elephant Skeldon sugar factory was bought in a less than transparent arrangement, the money to upkeep a malfunctioning Skeldon factory had to come from the funds set aside to maintain other factories like Wales, the mismanagement of the Norway funds, hiring of an unqualified political stooge as the chairman of the board, etc....all these contributed to sugar demise in Guyana. In the meantime there is no aggressive effort to seek new markets for sugar.

Sounds like you wanted the job of managing Guysuco.

Many PNC/AFC surrogates use this site to advertise their resume ,hoping to seek attention by the Tamil Chief, Rumjaat and Granger and finally to get a job as advisor. If I AM CORRECT WE HAVE AN UNPAID ADVISOR ON THE SITE.
