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how is America blocking the North Korean viewpoint?

love in america has to do with sodomy, god, and your soul. because I didn't sell my soul and is not involved in love they don't want me to succeed in America. they don't want me to do my autorap (music)  at businesses. for years they are not buying my five books I have published and is on my website. they don't want me to meet a nice girl because I'm not a lover. they don't let anyone tell me the truth. my paranoia has given me this insight and I am thankful for my medications. I believe I don't see the truth and they are lying about the world. I cannot fathom how they accomplish this. I don't even know if this is a false representation of your website North Korea. as you look around you can see that college education has developed the things around us and I don't know what is wrong with that but they use it against me. i believe aliens are protecting me from knowledge and harm. I really do not desire information North Korea because it may put me at risk. I am hoping that the computers take control of the situation. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
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