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Reply to "How about a National Hero for East Indians ? Please keep this thread clean."

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The National Hero for East Indians in Guyana is none other than Anant Ram.  The first Indian to step on shore in British Guiana on May 5th, 1838 when he stepped of the Whitby, which took 112 days to cross the Kaala Pani from Calcutta, India.

The question of National Hero isn't one easily answered since like it or not, the majority of opinions are swayed by race. I remember when the Cuffy dollar coin was released and people wanted nothing to do with a coin that had  ''the head of a blackman" on it. I am proud to say I have over 50 in my collection. While Cuffy is A national hero, he is not THE national hero and one has to question how and why he was chosen to have a statue erected in his name. I believe it was a highly political statement by LFSB. The 1763 uprising while significant was not the definitive event. My memory is a little vague here but didn't Cuffy after having an argument with another slave leader, I believe it was Accara, bury the weapons and in so doing lead to their defeat? Mind you, the colonial powers of that time were going to quell any such rebellion. Remember other colonial powers came to the aid of the Dutch. The 1823 Rebellion however is a different matter. In this context, Quamina would have been a better choice. My choice for another National Hero, Heroes in this case, would be the Enmore Martyrs.
