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Reply to "Hate and GNI"

ksazma posted:

No doubt there is a lot of hate for Muslims just for being Muslims. But there are a lot of people who have become distrustful of Muslims because of the actions, attitudes and behavior of some Muslims. I have spent many years seeking to reconcile the actions, attitudes and behaviors of some Muslims with the teachings of Islam and in the end, I came to the conclusion that it is easier to just deal with things as they are. Base is wutliss for his "never trust a fullaman" statements but I also see his comments about what he calls Wahabism very valid. While I welcome the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia spending some of its vast wealth on promoting Islam, I am not comfortable with every Muslim becoming an Arab. I am not comfortable with every Muslim seeking to look, sound and act like the people of Saudi Arabia especially us Indians who already had a rich cultural history. While I don't pay much attention to the conflict in Kashmir, I always thought that the government of India was intruding on the space and lives of the people of Kashmir and should give them their independence. But I am also cognizant to the influence of the government of Pakistan into the lives and space of the people of Kashmir and don't care for that either especially since the government of Pakistan has d a dismal record on the management of Pakistan. At this point of my life, I cannot regard the 9/11 or Bombay attacks as anything other than wrong. While I can acknowledge how nexus is made between Muslims, the US and India, the attack on innocent lives is not an Islamic approach. Obviously I am not yet ready to fault the Palestinians because they are truly living under an illegal occupation and it is widely known that every Isreali is a soldier.

There will be no independent Kashmir!  It will descend into a Pakistani terror camp spreading terror globally like Afganistan.  Also, the 40% Hindus will be eradicated from their ancestral homeland!

India should never give up Kashmir!
