
December 4,2017

Dear Editor,

 But in truth, the process has only highlighted yet again the sad fact that the Afro-PNC-ite and the Indo-PPP-ite do not care about the truth; they will support their ethnic party right or wrong. And that is the problem, and has always been the problem.

As a consequence, the parties are not pressured by their followers to do the right thing for the country or even for those followers. Because of the unquestioning, uncritical race-based support, the parties are not accountable to the country, and especially are not accountable to their own blind followers. The PNC-ites and PPP-ites support and have supported their ethnic party regardless of corruption, incompetence and outright illegality. They supported the PNC through years of electoral fraud and destruction of the economy, and they supported the PPP through years of financial corruption and association with criminals. Until we as a people finally realise that it is the two parties which have wrecked our country, and decide to eschew both parties, Guyana will continue to suffer. The fault lies with them.

Yours faithfully,

Timothy M. Jonas