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Reply to "Eric Phillips challenged to publish evidence to back up his claims"

Keffer posted:
Nehru posted:

These Bastards were trained to LIE, CHEAT and THIEF!!!

Eric Philips is undoubtedly and unquestionably a devout racist and Indian-hater !   

one does not have to hate another to lie about them. It has to be ones nature. It is Eric's nature to fabricate facts and develop false narratives to take short cuts and deceive his own that he has magic. I doubt he hates anyone. His trajectory in life is to be a shill for a lie...that Guyanese in general owe former slaves for their misfortunes. The British does and they owe the rest of us as well so it would be heaping injustice on us to compensate any group for the British cruelty.

Last edited by Former Member