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Reply to "Canada wants 1 million more immigrants over next 3 years"

Baseman posted:

Pretty boy should ask Trump for permission to drive busses down to the Mexican border and empty the camps and caravans and take them to Canada.  They don’t need to wait 3 years, they will get their million in 3 months.  

yes this Justin is an idiot. He ran his mouth spouting this nonsense and when the Haitians arrived he locked them up in a sports stadium and most of them will eventually be deported.

The irony is that Trump wants the USA to adopt Canada's immigration policy. Canada invites loads of refugees but you cannot just land there and say you want to stay. People languish for years in refugee centers while Canada takes its sweet time picking which ones they want.  No goat herders from Yemen, Somalia or South Sudan.  They want the people who will quickly become self reliant after a few months of support.

To become a LEGAL immigrant to the USA one needs merely to fit into certain family categories and be sponsored, and to demonstrate a lack of a criminal record and a potential to not be a burden to the state. The sponsors have to sign an affidavit indicating that should this immigrant become a charge to the state within 10 years, or before they become naturalized, that they will reimburse the state.

To be selected as a legal immigrant one not only needs to have family members but to pass a point system where preference is accorded to those fluent in English or French and to have the type of skills that Canada wants.

If a goat herder has a mother who can show that they can support them and they lack a criminal record they most likely will migrate to the USA.

If the same person tries Canada likely they will be rejected for not having enough points.

Trudeau needs to mind his own business and stop ranting about what he doesn't know about. Canada is NOT more immigrant friendly than is the USA.

There are fewer than 200k illegals in Canada whereas in the USA there are 10 million, many quite successful owning homes and businesses.  So who is more hostile?
