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Breaking News... Missing Documents, Look at this video and the images.

The missing documents are not placed in ballot boxes but taken to the Returning Officer; in this case, it would be Clairmont Mingo.
Yes Clairmont Mingo, the same dude that used the 10-times table on his spreadsheet and bedsheet.

The Coalition officials knew they lost the elections on the night of March 2.
They lied to their supporters that PPP and the new parties bombarded them, yes they were bombarded because they committed fraud right in front everyone.

Today, they are calling fraud is fraud and trying to invalidate votes with the compromised Keith Lowenfield and other GECOM Secretariat staff.

Yet they continue to lie to their supporters, and they believe, some knows the truth but refuse to accept it.

Look at this video and the images.

Shaz Ally

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