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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, hope he just as brave with the vines lead under the PNC feet.  The roots of crime was planted by the PNC in the 60's and sprout to this day.



so why u and the PPP having shittings and begging/lobbying hard for no investigations?

PPP and we seh furnish the proof, don't go off doing your ethnic cleansing campaign on a hunch, show proof.  Dem bais looking comfortable.  Anil's concern was not where the facts will lead, but alyuh old tactic of attacking without proof, just like alyuh did in the 60's.  Those minds are in today's generation, handed down by their fathers/grandfathers.

The PPP and you are in barefaced degenerate mode. If you in your capacity as an independent thinking being cannot grasp their depraved administration over the past two decades then you simply do not think and is just a brain in vat.


Anil is a barefaced man with criminal bent who in his own words illustrated the depth of his depraved disposition. No one need proof beyond his personal confession of using the state as his piggy bank or threats about murder an mayhem not to mention his leering disgustingly at your young women.


Do you need proof that Jagdeo is a liar given his lie to us that he had a wife? Do need proof that the PPP are crooks when everyone of them to a man now own assets hundreds of times their earning power since in office? Jagdeo did not have a pot to piss in according to a former PPPite now he is among the patrician class of the obscenely rich.


Indeed the APNU need to empanel a team to hold them each on a long list of charges so they spend all of that asset to clear themselves. 

No, it not law of the bush you accustomed to.  You accuse, then provide evidence.  Don't go taking unsubstantiated punitive action people without proving they did something wrong.  Accusation and public opinion are not proof.  In that case, OJ would have been in jail since 1992 and maybe even [rapeman] Corsby.


APNU (PNC) need to "empanel" themselves with some competency and address the nation's issues and stop whining and running after mirage.

The expected shallow ignorant response of the poorly morally grounded. It has to be your up bringing....being dragged up from the logie can imprint a false sense of worth.


The accusations that those people are thieves is self evident to any rational mind. Dragging them before the court is another story but the APNU need to haul everyone of their asses for misappropriation of assets because they will be blamed by ignorant racists like you for being unfair regardless of what they do.


I would have liked to see that fellow who recently paid himself 26 million dollars from the depleted guyoil funds immediately placed im manacles because he had no authority to do so. I would also have had Ashni and Brazzington in a cell somewhere for their excesses. You are lucky te APNU is deliberative and overly cautious. these days.


I am sure some of those fellows will be in jail. OJ is in jail and only because he was in the sight of the law. Cosby is going to face financially crippling legal problems and he is already done for given he has achieved full pariah status among his peers and even among his previously ardent supporter. That is so because black people can reason. Apparently the PPP despite their prodigious corrupt practices are forever saints among the class of brains in vats that is the status among most indians. They do not see beyond kind.

Listed banna, investigate, fact-base and then take action.  The banna at GPL should be investigated and appropriate action taken.  This is not the law of the jungle.  Now run along and sip you piwari.
