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Reply to "As Obama vacations he must be pleased with his foreign policy"

Originally Posted by Kari:

The US has brought Iran to the community of nations. There is no need for an Iraq/Iran stand-off for American strategic interest. Nixon had an entente with Mao and Roosevelt had one with Stalin.


Israel is stong militarily and thus Obama's coolness with Netanyahu is not a bad thing in getting Isreal to come to an accomodation with the Palestinians.


Assad is doing America's bidding by fighting in the newest front Al Qaeda opened. While using that great American currency of "Republic" power from come from and reside with, the people, and saying Assad must go, there is value in letting Assad fight Al Qaeda and deal with what started the Syrian protests in the first place - economic justice.


as China's economy matures and growth slows to a mature economy level Obama pivoted to the Asian theater. Chinese expansionism fears have been relaxed. 


The Republicans are now shedding the TEA party and as flawed as it is, ObamaCare is likely to address some pressing issue whie keeping the supply side private enterprise.


Obama can swing his golf club in a relaxed manner.



And Santa coming down Kari's Chimney.
