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Reply to "ANUG flays President over submission of names for GECOM Chair -says no new laws can be passed or contracts signed"

Iguana posted:

@Former Member

Yuh mekking it wuss fuh yuhself bai. Stick to de cartoon posting like a chile and stop talking. You are de product of a "nica" marriage, never fully recognized by de courts as legal back den. Suh technically yuh is a BASTARD chile. Suh doant throw stones at de black race bai.

Gwana man fadda and muddah was LEGALLY married fuh 56 years, in a marriage recognized FULLY by Guyana's courts, when meh mudda dead. I was dem last chile. Old school, educated black people dat know 'bout and enjoy colonial life while you and yours were trolling every trench looking fuh lil shit fuh eat, barely literate.

Clarify what you mean by the "and yours". 
