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Reply to "Afro-Guyanese deserve 15,000 square miles of territory as partial compensation for enslavement; law being drafted for African land rights"

antabanta posted:
antabanta posted:

So... back to the issue.
Is the Guyana Reparations Committee representative only of AfroGuyanese?
Why does Guyana have to compensate for slavery?
Will Guyana compensate for indentured servitude?
What inequalities will the reparation reduce?
If Amerindians, true owners of Guyana, got only 13.8%, why the claim of 15% for AfroGuyanese?
How will the 15000 square miles be allocated or is there some scam in the offing where someone or some group of individuals will get rich off of developing this land?

When Forbes opened the Polders in the 60s, was land not available to all Guyanese? Why not do the same thing again?

Only Eric Phillips and his merry band know the answers to your questions,  but I don't think a majority of Afro Guyanese are buying what he's selling. Guyana belongs to all Guyanese. I for one oppose his plan.

However, I do not understand why we have people of all races living in absolutely deplorable "housing" when there are 83K square miles overall and much available land in coastal areas where people don't have to live in poverty.

I'm as big a capitalist as the next guy. I understand economic development and job creation is the way to go long term. But two things. First, we have idiots in govt. who have destroyed every  industry. Are these the people we are now going to entrust billions in oil money and ask them to create jobs via economic development, infrastructure improvement etc? These people are MORONSat and CORRUPT ones at that! The billions will either be spent on bridges that wash away or flat out STOLEN! The public will see nothing.

Secondly - I think the best way to get something to the ordinary man is to give some land and a house to each Guyanese compliments of the oil money, starting with the poorest (they live in zinc sheet shacks). Jobs can be created from contractors building the houses (standards, inspections etc warranted. Of course "friends" will get the contracts).

The situation is dire, we cannot gamble on "trickle down" (funny how we hated it when Reagan did it but love it for Guyanese). People are suffering. This is their land, their oil, their home. They stayed, we didn't. Give them some of the damn money in the form of a roof over their head and stop piddling like we are a first world country with economic and investment gurus who know what to do. We don't have them.

I know there are many cons of what I propose, but it's a start. I wish the housing program I propose can be managed by some resources from the ABC nations. I don't even trust the current crop of clowns or their "opposition" in parliament to do anything good.

My 2 cents.
