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Reply to "2020 Democrats defend Kamala Harris after Donald Trump Jr. tweet about her race"

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

She cannot beat Trump!  She has a lot of hypocritical inconsistencies which will be exposed!

She will not get the nomination. Busing is an outdated issue. She had a sympathetic moment. Let's see her record as California AG and the way she handled cases against the blacks.

Follow the polls. Her biggest boost come from Blacks abandoning Biden for her. That will top out.  She has to win over middle America, where Biden is strong.  This is difficult for a California elitist!

What has she done for blacks in CA? Blacks believed that Obama will be their prophet who lead them to the promised land. Well, they got laand. Harris has nothing different to promise blacks that the other candidates don't have. Daily rantings of busing will not cut the mustard. I see her attack dog Booker is always on Biden's ass. He will soon fade and will be a blip.

you are unsurprisingly out of touch and still not unexpectedly so. Somehow you missed the entire on going reality of who are these people and their relationship to each other. Booker does not carry water for anyone. Booker will never be a blip. He is smart, am alpha personality and will be with us in some form or the other in politics for a long time. 

Kamala Harris will not beat Donald Trump if she is nominated. America is not ready for another black president. Donald Trump will not hesitate to chew and spit out Kamala. The pools indicate that Biden has the best chance to beat Trump. Keep up on your current affairs. BOOKER IS AN ATTACK DOG FOR KAMALA HARRIS.
