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Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Picked up some 'Goya Yuca' chips (cassava chips) from the grocery store...not bad at all.  Anyone tried them. Darn maybe not a bad idea for some Guyanese cassava chips, if not already out there.

Goya Yucca has been out there for many years now, Alena.

Had it.


I think it is gluten free too   Did not go to the gym today so snacked on fruits..

Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Picked up some 'Goya Yuca' chips (cassava chips) from the grocery store...not bad at all.  Anyone tried them. Darn maybe not a bad idea for some Guyanese cassava chips, if not already out there.

Lam's have cassava chips. Its really good too.

Never had it...will remember to get a bag next time I venture to the West Indian store.. long time no cyber see.

Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Picked up some 'Goya Yuca' chips (cassava chips) from the grocery store...not bad at all.  Anyone tried them. Darn maybe not a bad idea for some Guyanese cassava chips, if not already out there.
Lam's have cassava chips. Its really good too.
Tell Mr. Lam to start some sweet potato chips, the only chips I snack on



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Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Chameli:

just had some baked sweet potato and some sponge cake which i made yesterday  (a request from my son)

That baked sweet potato sounds tempting, do you sprinkle some cinnamon on it?

I just love baked sweet potatoes.


I usually brush on some melted butter and sprikle with brown sugar and cinnamon.  bake until it is slightly brown.  delish!  making some with turkey this w/e!!


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