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What qualifies this man to be the Chairman of Guysuco?


Dear Editor,
Recently, it was reported that Mr. Raj Singh is the Chairman of Guysuco and travels to Guyana on a monthly basis with all expenses paid, enjoying a lot of succor on the backs of the Guyanese people; editor, I wonder when the PPP government will come to their senses and stop this largesse to friends like Singh , who definitely does not deserve it. And furthermore, Raj Singh was a partner in the New Global Consults which was the main entity involved in the famous law books scam in New York some years ago -a deal which saw a lot of Guyanese taxpayers money go down the drain. By the way, the person who signed that dubious deal on behalf of the Government of Guyana was Hydar Ally, now an “advisor” to the President and an avid defender of majoritarian rule in Guyana. Mr.Raj Singh is also a close friend of Ed Ahmed, a man who has been indicted by the United States government on a number of serious charges and faces years in prison if found guilty; as a matter of fact, ”Prof” Singh brought Ed Ahmed into the political fray in New York as a contact person for PPP fundraising!
What qualifies this man to be the Chairman of Guysuco? Is it because he’s been the head of the Association of Concerned Guyanese(ACG)-a PPP group in New York for the longest while, which has had a history of keeping Guyanese of African descent out? What business company has he been Chairman of before in the USA because he has never run anything here? How can he be Chairman of Guysuco when he does not live here? How good a friend is he of former president Jagdeo and he was put there by Jagdeo and sat there while Guysuco fell apart? Why should Guyanese taxpayers feed him when there are much more qualified persons right here in Guyana?
Editor, the more I live in Guyana , the more I am amazed at the brazen attitudes some people have towards the Guyanese people. Doesn’t Raj Singh have a conscience and fess up that he ‘s really not qualified to chair any corporation anywhere and at anytime; this man is showing us sheer “eye-pass” and for Guyanese to accept nonsense like this is beyond me. We all expected real changes with Mr. Ramotar but when one looks at Raj Singh and the “sweeties” he’s getting , we can see the same old patterns of rule which we hoped would change. The opposition parties should have a closer look at Raj Singh and he should be made to appear before a select committee to answer personal questions and to relate his qualifications for this all important job as Chairman of Guysuco; Parliament should also examine his monetary package and expenditures on his behalf by Guysuco-I bet there’s a crocodile under the carpet and Mr.Jagdeo placed it right there.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

, Raj Singh was a partner in the New Global Consults which was the main entity involved in the famous law books scam in New York some years ago -a deal which saw a lot of Guyanese taxpayers money go down the drain. By the way, the person who signed that dubious deal on behalf of the Government of Guyana was Hydar Ally, now an “advisor” to the President and an avid defender of majoritarian rule in Guyana.


It is very easy to verify whether someone has a PhD. You don’t ask for a certificate. You ask for an official transcript sent from the university to employer in sealed envelopes. You ask for dissertation title and abstract and verify in one of the archives like ProQuest. They have to stop relying on certificates.


The article is poorly written and appears to be based on a lot of 'hearsay'.


However, I do agree that it is 'extravagant' to pay for all these perks.  And if they are going to cut his perks they need to do it across the board in GUYSUCO so he does not feel 'singled' out.

Originally Posted by alena06:

The article is poorly written and appears to be based on a lot of 'hearsay'.


However, I do agree that it is 'extravagant' to pay for all these perks.  And if they are going to cut his perks they need to do it across the board in GUYSUCO so he does not feel 'singled' out.

Quit the excuse about poor quality of the text. If he is an expatriate Chairman, he is inadequate for the demands post . I will not speak to the talents of the individual himself as that is clearly moot.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Quit the excuse about poor quality of the text.

Where do you see that being used as an excuse...shut up if you have nothing good to write!!

Alas with the PPP there are only bad things to write. They are a horrible larcenous lot!


I did not comment on the quality of the writing you did.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


I did not comment on the quality of the writing you did.

It is poor writing like yours!! 

I am quite confident it is vastly superior to yours or any  other coming out of the PPP cartel of crooks.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

When yuh see wan Buckman learn English and fiorget his Watusi Language, he loose his identity.

I speak Lockono perfectly, I am probably one of a few thousand remaining speakers on the planet, thanks to my grand mother who would not speak to us except in her tongue.I also speak four others inclusive of English. What is your excuse?




Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

When yuh see wan Buckman learn English and fiorget his Watusi Language, he loose his identity.

I speak Lockono perfectly, I am probably one of a few thousand remaining speakers on the planet, thanks to my grand mother who would not speak to us except in her tongue.I also speak four others inclusive of English. What is your excuse?




I speak Hindi, Punjabi, Gujrati, Bangeli, and many many more.

Kya Hua Tera Wada. Gharam Chor Ka Pani.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

When yuh see wan Buckman learn English and fiorget his Watusi Language, he loose his identity.

I speak Lockono perfectly, I am probably one of a few thousand remaining speakers on the planet, thanks to my grand mother who would not speak to us except in her tongue.I also speak four others inclusive of English. What is your excuse?




I speak Hindi, Punjabi, Gujrati, Bangeli, and many many more.

Kya Hua Tera Wada. Gharam Chor Ka Pani.

=== gat wan oda boat Brahmin on board.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

When yuh see wan Buckman learn English and fiorget his Watusi Language, he loose his identity.

I speak Lockono perfectly, I am probably one of a few thousand remaining speakers on the planet, thanks to my grand mother who would not speak to us except in her tongue.I also speak four others inclusive of English. What is your excuse?




I speak Hindi, Punjabi, Gujrati, Bangeli, and many many more.

Kya Hua Tera Wada. Gharam Chor Ka Pani.

Good for you!  i do not know what the above means but I  suspect it is a cobbling of of movie phrases that has gone truly wrong. Maybe Mits can help since it does not make sense to me. 



Much obliged!


Kya Hua Tera Wada. What happened to your promise?


Gharam (hot) Chor(thief) ka (of) pani (water) . Is it hot thief or hot water?


This reminds me of Ali Baba aur 40 chor. Ali Baba and the 40 thieves.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

When yuh see wan Buckman learn English and fiorget his Watusi Language, he loose his identity.

I speak Lockono perfectly, I am probably one of a few thousand remaining speakers on the planet, thanks to my grand mother who would not speak to us except in her tongue.I also speak four others inclusive of English. What is your excuse?




I, I, I, Me Me me

It's plain for all to see

When it comes to show his mettle

He is just an empty vessel 


Joey should check his parents record of loading the PPP government with misfits.


Janet brought Manni on board.


Cheddie brought Gail, Jeff and Sawh in the government.


Doobay and few others were lined by the Cheddie's clicque for the perks in ministries.


A man in the human cargo business was given a lucrative consultancy position in the Ministry of Water and Housing-he din have a clue but he collected hundreds of thousands of US dollars. All these opportunists were so called members of the ACG (Canada).


I would imagine the USA arm of the ACG is worse in the Jagan plans of cronyism. 


Jagdeo should be blamed for alot, but the Jagans were the architects of the rampant corruption that plagues the impoverished of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

When yuh see wan Buckman learn English and fiorget his Watusi Language, he loose his identity.

I speak Lockono perfectly, I am probably one of a few thousand remaining speakers on the planet, thanks to my grand mother who would not speak to us except in her tongue.I also speak four others inclusive of English. What is your excuse?




I, I, I, Me Me me

It's plain for all to see

When it comes to show his mettle

He is just an empty vessel 


A rocket is an empty vessel; yet it launched man to the moon. Your personal attacks is like water on ducks backs to him. He is able to do things that benefits others and proud of his achievements which he is willing to share.  

At times he may seem to talk a lot but not to be boastful; only to share his proud moments with others.


Consider this: If you think he is an empty vessel, then you have failed to fill him up. Why?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You don't fill up an empty vessel like him. You pity him. What has he done to benefit others? What are some of his 'proud moments' since you seem to know? 

The fool in his wisdom is always wise. Alas you are not in a community of fools so in time they all will get a glimpse of you. I will be around to make sure of that.


Thanks, but as was said before self praise is no recommendation. Your penchant for I and Me know no bounds. You may have achieved a lot and worked hard in life and kudos to you but do you have to parade it in an insulting manner. And tell others with whom you do not agree to go F themselves. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Thanks, but as was said before self praise is no recommendation. Your penchant for I and Me know no bounds. You may have achieved a lot and worked hard in life and kudos to you but do you have to parade it in an insulting manner. And tell others with whom you do not agree to go F themselves. 

I do not find you interesting so I am reduced to speaking of my opinions and not admiringly of yours.  I await that time.


And again you are projecting what you think I said. Of course I deliberately left it that way to get my point across and avoid being sanctioned.


Present PPP strategies full of Jagdeo’s fingerprint


Dear Editor,
We refer to a letter from Joey Jagan in Kaieteur News captioned “What qualifies this man to be Chairman of Guysuco?”  Wasn’t it the same Joey Jagan; only 6 months ago who accused Moses Nagamootoo of being a “a soup drinker, a vagabond and an opportunist”?
Which soup drinker would leave a teaching job at $180 per month in 1970 to join Dr Jagan for a pay of $117 a month?  Wasn’t this same Joey Jagan who said that “Mr. Ramotar to me presents a new effort on the PPP’s behalf. I think Mr. Ramotar is a man of honour and is not a corrupt man, and I think he means to bring change to this country”?  So why this crocodiles tears today Joey? Wasn’t the promised seat in the Cabinet not delivered on?  Is this the reason why you are speaking with forked tongue today?
If one is to just rehash a bit of history, it is with the help of Joey Jagan in 1991 that Raj Singh was able to split the ACG-USA by dethroning a long time Cheddi Jagan loyalist, Karshan Arjun who was later made an Ambassador to Suriname.  So what happen today Joey?  Did your old mate at deception and subterfuge undo your political ambition?
Joey Jagan was among the many PPP leaders who lied on  Moses Nagamootoo and as “Karma” dictates, what goes around, comes around.  The PPP will surely hang Joey Jagan out to dry after this letter, but this always happens to unprincipled politicians.
Raj Singh is one of Jagdeo’s cronies and closest confidant and his confirmation as Chairman at GUYSUCO is solid proof that Jagdeo continues to run the show in the PPP Government with President Donald Ramotar being nothing else but a loyal servant of the PPP maximum boss.
If one is to observe the Cabinet, State Boards and PPP’s actions in response to the Linden situation, the Budget crisis and the many other test of its rule since November; it has the fingerprints of Jagdeo all over their poor strategies.
It’s been six months and we are yet to see President Ramotar being his own man. When will he be his own man? Is this how we will run this country; as a surrogate President fronting for the Guyana’s Putin?
What is wrong with Ramotar? With the Constitution on his side, why is he so spineless? How can he support such an ill-found decision to have Raj Singh, who resides in New Jersey, to be appointed as Chairman of the Board for GuySuCo. That position demands a full time Chairperson to help resolve the growing menus of challenges facing the sugar belt that provide bread to some 100,000 mouths.
There is no opportunity for mal-administration, and to reward political cronies is even worst since it results in greater adverse complications to an already complex situation.
Might we remind the reading public that former Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud had stated that the corporation cannot afford to pay its workers higher wages, yet for the last decade this Jagdeo/Ramotar PPP Government found the resources to fund a part-time Chairman (flight, room and boarding and all else). This decision by President Ramotar to reward a Jagdeo loyalist is shaping up to be a grand embarrassment for the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime.  Where is the value for money in this decision?
So Joey Jagan you are absolutely right, Raj Singh is most unqualified to be the Chairman of Guysuco but you should be the last person in the world attempting to criticize your former mate.
It is sheer eyepass that you think anybody still listens to you Joey! You have dishonored yourself!! How could you have joined the corrupt Jagdeo/Ramotar PPP campaign last November and expect Guyanese to respect and believe you much less listen to you today. Shame on you Joey Jagan, your letter and opinion is not even worth the paper it is printed on.
Dr Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

So Joey Jagan you are absolutely right, Raj Singh is most unqualified to be the Chairman of Guysuco but you should be the last person in the world attempting to criticize your former mate.
................................ I think Joey is a disgruntled chap who wants to be in the limelight.
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


I did not comment on the quality of the writing you did.

It is poor writing like yours!! 

I am quite confident it is vastly superior to yours or any  other coming out of the PPP cartel of crooks.

Why are you disrespecting a woman for the sake of politics? You can still be a gentleman and be nice in your response.


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