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Nehru posted:

Most likely when Aga Khan and his Band of Barbarians  and savages entered Agra they simply took it.):

Life in those days for the rich and powerful was to take control of whatever they can get their hands on. But that wasn't the case. Hindus are glutton to pride themselves with the Taj Mahal. Lol

Last edited by Former Member

When I visited India, the tour guide made mention of PN Oak and Idira's banning of his book / papers on the TAJ.

Purushottam Nagesh Oak (2 March 1917 â€“ 4 December 2007), commonly referred to as P. N. Oak,

Taj Mahal Theory[edit]

In his book Taj Mahal: The True Story, Oak claims that the Taj Mahal was originally a Shiva temple and a Rajput palace named Tejo Mahalaya seized by Shah Jahan and adopted as a tomb. He argues that may be this temple was built by Indian King Jai Singh I. He says that Mahal is a word to describe a royal palace and not a tomb and after seizure by Shah Jahan, the name was changed to Taj Mahal.[21]

The Taj, Oak says, is a "typical illustration of how all historic buildings and townships from Kashmir to Cape Comorin though of Hindu origin have been ascribed to this or that Muslim ruler or courtier".[21] He goes on to propose Hindu origins for the tombs of Humayun, Akbar and I'timād-ud-Daulah and "all historic buildings" in India as well as Vatican City,[22] the Kaaba and Stonehenge.

Oak says that well-known western authorities on architecture including Ernest Binfield Havell, Mrs. Kenoyer and William Wilson Hunter have written that the Taj Mahal is built in the Hindu temple style,[21] asserting that Havel says the plan of the ancient Hindu temple of Java, the Prambanan, is identical with that of the Taj Mahal.[21] Also, he argues out that the octagonal shape of the Taj Mahal has a special Hindu significance, because Hindus alone have special names for the eight directions and the celestial guards assigned to them.[21] He argues that the finial of the Taj Mahal is a trishula with a Kalasha, holding two bent mango leaves and a coconut, which is a sacred Hindu motif.[21]

Oak claims that Hindu ornaments and symbols were effaced from the Taj, whose sealed chambers hold the remnants, including a lingam, of the original temple, and that Mumtaz Mahal was not buried at her cenotaph.

In support of these claims, Oak presents radiocarbon dating results of the wood from the riverside doorway of the Taj, quotes from European travellers' accounts and the Taj's Hindu architectural features. Oak further alleges that eyewitness accounts of the Taj Mahal's construction as well as Shah Jahan's construction orders and voluminous financial records are elaborate frauds meant to hide its Hindu origin.[21]

Oak petitioned the Indian parliament demanding that the Taj be declared a Hindu monument and that cenotaphs and sealed apartments be opened to determine whether lingams or other remains were hidden in them.[21] According to Oak, the government of India's refusal to allow him unfettered access amounts to a conspiracy against Hinduism. The Indian government has maintained that out of respect for the dead, unnecessary openings of cenotaphs and sealed rooms cannot be allowed.[citation needed]

Oak's denial of Islamic architecture in India has been described as one of the "more extreme manifestations of anti-Muslim sentiment" in Maharashtrian popular culture.[23] K. N. Panikkar locates Oak's work in the Hindutva movement's attempt to foster a communal understanding of Indian history.[24] Tapan Raychaudhuri has referred to him as "a 'historian' much respected by the Sangh Parivar."[25]

In 2000 India's Supreme Court dismissed Oak's petition to declare that a Hindu king had built the Taj Mahal by saying he had a "bee in his bonnet" about the Taj.[26] Till date, as of 2017, several court cases about Taj Mahal being a Hindu temple have been inspired by Oak's theory.[4][5] In August 2017, Archaeological Survey of India stated there was no evidence to suggest the monument ever housed a temple.[27]


Purushottam Nagesh Oak's theory of the Taj Mahal has been debunked since it hasn't held hard facts. The Taj Mahal is such a magnificent architectural marvel that attracts millions of people each year to India, and it's only fair to know the truth of its history. My children need to know the true history of the world's wonders that sits in Agra, India. History is not something to tamper with.  


Prince, I have seen it. It's built in the Hindu Temple style. The Taj Mahal was a Shiva Temple. Muslims did not use the word Mahal to describe a tomb. And they do not bury above ground. At the top of the temple is Shiva's Trishula and then there is Shiva's Kalasha plus the mango leaves and coconuts replicas that are used in Hindu rituals.

Mitwah posted:

Prince, I have seen it. It's built in the Hindu Temple style. The Taj Mahal was a Shiva Temple. Muslims did not use the word Mahal to describe a tomb. And they do not bury above ground. At the top of the temple is Shiva's Trishula and then there is Shiva's Kalasha plus the mango leaves and coconuts replicas that are used in Hindu rituals.

Does Hindu Temples have Minarets ?


I am not sure of the origin of the Taj Mahal. However, the structure does have an aura of simplicity and purity found in Muslim architecture. It is also useful to consider that some of the Muslim rulers of India sought to integrate Muslim and Hindu cultures to create coexistence.

One of the articles above concluded that there is no evidence that the Taj Mahal was ever a Hindu temple. Perhaps the author of that article should look through those cracks and s/he will be able to confirm if there are indeed Hindu deities stored there. If there are, s/he may change their conclusion.

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Prince, I have seen it. It's built in the Hindu Temple style. The Taj Mahal was a Shiva Temple. Muslims did not use the word Mahal to describe a tomb. And they do not bury above ground. At the top of the temple is Shiva's Trishula and then there is Shiva's Kalasha plus the mango leaves and coconuts replicas that are used in Hindu rituals.

Does Hindu Temples have Minarets ?

I don't think so. The Minars are what the Muslims used in the conversion of the Hindu Temples. I visited Qutub Minar and was told that a Hindu temple was demolished and the stones were used to construct the Minar.

Leonora posted:

Donald visited the Taj, then arranged the construction of the Taj Casino on the Jersey Shore. I visited it a few years ago and was shocked at the monstrosity – a casino replicated like a temple/burial tomb. 

He also has bigger plans for his Trump Mahal memorial in Bedminister NJ. It will be a masterpiece and centuries from now he will be designated King! Trump will never die!!

Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

Donald visited the Taj, then arranged the construction of the Taj Casino on the Jersey Shore. I visited it a few years ago and was shocked at the monstrosity – a casino replicated like a temple/burial tomb. 

He also has bigger plans for his Trump Mahal memorial in Bedminister NJ. It will be a masterpiece and centuries from now he will be designated King! Trump will never die!!

Damn dude, even Jim Jones’ followers didn’t have that much reverence for Jim Jones.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

Donald visited the Taj, then arranged the construction of the Taj Casino on the Jersey Shore. I visited it a few years ago and was shocked at the monstrosity – a casino replicated like a temple/burial tomb. 

He also has bigger plans for his Trump Mahal memorial in Bedminister NJ. It will be a masterpiece and centuries from now he will be designated King! Trump will never die!!

Damn dude, even Jim Jones’ followers didn’t have that much reverence for Jim Jones.

It’s not his followers, it’s Trumps reverence for Donald.  He has the money to fund.  I know someone who has an uncle working in the local town hall.  The plans are big and could boost tourist revenue.  Trump don’t intend to vanish over time.  

Mitwah posted:

Prince, I have seen it. It's built in the Hindu Temple style. The Taj Mahal was a Shiva Temple. Muslims did not use the word Mahal to describe a tomb. And they do not bury above ground. At the top of the temple is Shiva's Trishula and then there is Shiva's Kalasha plus the mango leaves and coconuts replicas that are used in Hindu rituals.

The reason why it looks like a Hindu temple is because it was built by Hindu craftsmen.  What you want the Mughal to do put in an emergency call to Abu in the Bekka Valley or Bora in Turkey to come and help him build the Taj.

Last edited by Prashad

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