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Stranded Dynamic passenger says Gerry Gouveia pushed him down stairs

December 23, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

United States of America-based Guyanese, Hardat William, is hoping that the police will take action against leading airline executive Captain Gerry Gouveia, who he alleged pushed him down the stairs of the Roraima Airways office yesterday.
Although he suffered no major physical injuries, the incident has left him stunned, especially since it occurred in the presence of his son and another relative.

Hardat William [left) and his son, Tommy

Hardat William (left) and his son, Tommy

It was a double whammy yesterday for William, who is one of the many stranded passengers who are suffering as a result of the problems being currently experienced by the troubled Dynamic Airways.
William, who arrived in Guyana on Dynamic Airways on Thursday for the funeral of his mother in law, was scheduled to return home with the same airline on Sunday.
But the airline encountered difficulties and William and other family members who had travelled to Guyana were left high and dry.
He told this newspaper that he was never informed that the airline was experiencing difficulty with their aircraft, so on Sunday he travelled to the Cheddi Jagan international Airport, certain that he was going home in time to return to his job.
He was in for a shock!
“When we got there, we found out that there was no flight that day, that there will be one the following day,” William recalled.
In fact the Dynamic Airlines aircraft was still in New York.
Yesterday, he still did not hear from Dynamic Airlines officials, so he made a telephone call to the CJIA to enquire if the aircraft had arrived in Guyana and was told that it had not.
This was despite assurances by local Dynamic Airlines representative, Capt. Gerry Gouveia, on Sunday that the flight will all be well by 07:00 hours yesterday.
Nevertheless he travelled to the city to make enquiries about the flight back to the USA, especially since his job was at stake.
He went to the Roraima Airways office on Duke Street, Kingston but was directed to the Head Office in Bel Air where he was told that he could meet directly with the boss, Captain Gerry Gouveia.
“I went to Bel Air to plead with Mr. Gouveia about my plight since my job could be in jeopardy. I first spoke to him on the phone and then he invited me upstairs into his office. We spoke a few words in the office and then he said let’s talk outside,” William told this newspaper.
His son and another relative were with him. They are certainly taken by surprise by what happened next.
Williams said he demanded an explanation from Gouveia about what will be done to facilitate his timely return to the US.
“He asked me, ‘what do you want me to do?’ I told him that I expected if you cannot give me a refund, you could put me on Caribbean Airlines.”
William said that Gouveia told him that he is only the handling agent for the airline and he was not responsible for what happened to the flight.
But William continued to demand that Gouveia facilitate his speedy return to the United States and got no satisfaction.
“He said that there’s nothing he could do, ‘Leave the premises.’ I said ‘I’m not leaving without you giving me an answer on how to get back to the States.”
“As I turned around, he grabbed me, hit me in the back and pushed me down the steps. There are two witnesses here,” William said, referring to his son and another relative who both nodded their heads in confirmation.
“I said ‘why did you push me? Get your hands off me.’”  He managed to break his fall by holding on to the rail of the stairs with the support of his son.
He said that Gouveia appeared unconcerned when he told him that he was going to report the matter to the police as well as highlight it in the media.
“He said ‘Get the F** off my premises.’ He’s powerful.”
Gouveia retreated into his office even as William challenged him to step outside.
This newspaper understands that several Dynamic Airways passengers were left stranded at the JFK International Airport in New York over the weekend after the aircraft encountered difficulties.
Earlier this year Dynamic Airways got off on the wrong foot with their direct flight from Timehri to New York, when they were barred from landing at JFK.
Several passengers demanded refunds when the airlines temporarily halted operations.
After sorting out their problems, the airline resumed flights only to suffer more problems that have once again caused passengers a lot on inconvenience.
“What they are doing is wrong. I came here for a funeral, not a vacation. I should have been on my job (Monday), now it looks like I can’t be on the job (Tuesday), because they haven’t even given me an answer when the flight will be coming,” William said.
He subsequently sought an audience with ‘A’ Division Commander Clifton Hicken who referred him to the Alberttown Police Station where he gave a statement.
The police had assured him that they will be seeking out Gouveia for his side of the story.
Efforts by this newspaper to reach Gouveia were futile.
“Now as a big Executive for a company, why would he want to assault somebody? Even if I’m angry, I have a right to be angry because I am stranded here. I did not touch him,” William declared.
William, who is an American citizen, intends to lodge a formal complaint about the assault with the local US Embassy today.




Two decades ago Guyana was a better place,today too

much power in the hands of some big wigs who are

protected by a government who have no vision.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Honestly, doesn't Williams know better? You don't take an airline that has business connections to Guyana. You take a trusted international airline instead. Fly cheap, fly to nowhere. That's how things are in Guyana.


Guyana Airways was an important link for the Guyanese community. It provided a way into and out of the country. Company was founded by Art J Williams and Harry Wendt in 1939 as British Guiana Airways using Ireland flying boats. Although it was a private venture, the colonial government provided subsidies. In the 1940s Grumman Goose were operated. In July 1955 the colonial government bought BGA. At this time BWIA provided management assistance. In September 1963 the name was shortened to Guyana Airways. In May 1966 Guyana became independent nation. The airline leased all its aircraft, which is why many aircraft were used during the airline's operations. The airline was headquartered in Georgetown, Guyana. After the airline went bankrupt in 2001, its successor, Guyana Air 2000 maintained a short-lived operation until 2003, when it too, filed for insolvency.


The PPP screwed up big time,with security at the airport

which cause the demise of Guyana Airways.


Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Honestly, doesn't Williams know better? You don't take an airline that has business connections to Guyana. You take a trusted international airline instead. Fly cheap, fly to nowhere. That's how things are in Guyana.

Our trusted snake swore by this airlines. Though he would never book a flight on any airlines to Paradise, I would like to hear his take on this matter. Regarding Mr. Willams on the other hand, he ought to know better. You get what you pay for.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

It would be a waste of time for the police to prosecute. Williams will not be in the country to testify in court. Anyway, he can commence a tort.

He can make a quick run back to Gy on a cheap Dynamic Air flight.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Honestly, doesn't Williams know better? You don't take an airline that has business connections to Guyana. You take a trusted international airline instead. Fly cheap, fly to nowhere. That's how things are in Guyana.

I am tired of saying this why would anyone book a flight on this shit airline?


To fatten these crooks even more?

Originally Posted by cain:

OH my GAWDDDDD!!! Carib..banna gonna have a field day when he opens this one, hahahahaaa.

Sorry no sympathy.  People got stranded on GAC, GA2000, Arrow, GuyAmerica, Leisure, Universal, EZjet, and countless others that I have forgotten about. 


This airline is even worse than the others.  You buy a ticket to JFK and end up in Miami and then are forced to make your own way to NYC.


Some people like punishment.  Guyanese are some really foolish people.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Honestly, doesn't Williams know better? You don't take an airline that has business connections to Guyana. You take a trusted international airline instead. Fly cheap, fly to nowhere. That's how things are in Guyana.

Gerry tun boxer now, he is not a peacemaker any more.


This monkey reveal his wolfish self, he is nothing but a bully.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Was this the airline Cobra was celebrating this other day

Oh yea,he will not comment.

Didn't I tell you fellas all that chap does day in day out is distribute serpent piss?



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Honestly, doesn't Williams know better? You don't take an airline that has business connections to Guyana. You take a trusted international airline instead. Fly cheap, fly to nowhere. That's how things are in Guyana.

Gerry tun boxer now, he is not a peacemaker any more.


This monkey reveal his wolfish self, he is nothing but a bully.

Putagees have always been bullies. Forbes mek dem run away from Guyana. They came back after the PPP win. Picking up wey they leff off.  

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Honestly, doesn't Williams know better? You don't take an airline that has business connections to Guyana. You take a trusted international airline instead. Fly cheap, fly to nowhere. That's how things are in Guyana.

Gerry tun boxer now, he is not a peacemaker any more.


This monkey reveal his wolfish self, he is nothing but a bully.

Putagees have always been bullies. Forbes mek dem run away from Guyana. They came back after the PPP win. Picking up wey they leff off.  

Don't think Cain will agree with you.


Protest erupts at JFK after flight cancelled until after Xmas


I’ll be home for Christmas…if only in my dreams!

A protest erupted at JFK airport the morning of Christmas Eve, after 100 passengers were told they wouldn’t be making it home for the holidays.

The customers were set to board a jet to Guyana at Terminal 1 around 7 a.m. with Dynamic Airways when they were given the bad news.

Their flight was apparently overbooked and a PAPD source said the agency wouldn’t have a plane available until at least December 27.

By 9 a.m., about half of the fuming customers booked hotels or made other plans.

There were at least 45 protesters remaining at the terminal holding up signs.


I can relate to this. I got burnt twice, once with Liesure Air and once with Universal. A valuable lesson learnt. Both during this same time. Not pleasant at all.

But what I found most aggravating was, the people who represented these Airlines  didnt seem to have a clue what's going on either, further paving the way for additional frustration. As is plain to see, our resident CEO of Dynamic Air up in R\H  who swore by this carrier is yet to make a comment.

Originally Posted by Mars:

Protest erupts at JFK after flight cancelled until after Xmas


I’ll be home for Christmas…if only in my dreams!

A protest erupted at JFK airport the morning of Christmas Eve, after 100 passengers were told they wouldn’t be making it home for the holidays.

The customers were set to board a jet to Guyana at Terminal 1 around 7 a.m. with Dynamic Airways when they were given the bad news.

Their flight was apparently overbooked and a PAPD source said the agency wouldn’t have a plane available until at least December 27.

By 9 a.m., about half of the fuming customers booked hotels or made other plans.

There were at least 45 protesters remaining at the terminal holding up signs.

  The folks that they were saving money by choosing a fly by night.


They could have flown CAL or Fly Jamaica, but no they wanted to save $200.


Well Xmas turned out very expensive now that they will be spending it on the floor at JFK!


I have no sympathy for stupid people.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I can relate to this. I got burnt twice, once with Liesure Air and once with Universal. A valuable lesson learnt. Both during this same time. Not pleasant at all.

But what I found most aggravating was, the people who represented these Airlines  didnt seem to have a clue what's going on either, further paving the way for additional frustration. As is plain to see, our resident CEO of Dynamic Air up in R\H  who swore by this carrier is yet to make a comment.

i think jerry did he push a  man down the stairs,them  ppp bais is chat3 

Originally Posted by Wally:

Guyana needs to bring back the boat that use to sail from Georgetown to New York in the 1950s.  No one use to have problems back in those days.

That boat will sail empty.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Honestly, doesn't Williams know better? You don't take an airline that has business connections to Guyana. You take a trusted international airline instead. Fly cheap, fly to nowhere. That's how things are in Guyana.

Gerry tun boxer now, he is not a peacemaker any more.


This monkey reveal his wolfish self, he is nothing but a bully.

Putagees have always been bullies. Forbes mek dem run away from Guyana. They came back after the PPP win. Picking up wey they leff off.  

dude, much of my people are of Portuguese blood line and I do not think they are more prodigious at thievery than any. Look at the PPP for a cue.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Honestly, doesn't Williams know better? You don't take an airline that has business connections to Guyana. You take a trusted international airline instead. Fly cheap, fly to nowhere. That's how things are in Guyana.

Gerry tun boxer now, he is not a peacemaker any more.


This monkey reveal his wolfish self, he is nothing but a bully.

Putagees have always been bullies. Forbes mek dem run away from Guyana. They came back after the PPP win. Picking up wey they leff off.  

dude, much of my people are of Portuguese blood line and I do not think they are more prodigious at thievery than any. Look at the PPP for a cue.

The Portuguese that are descendent from the ones that came to South America centuries ago during the time of Vasco da Gama etc are in the whole the same ones with the murderous genes that caused them to wipe out whole civilizations of native Indians and thief their gold, silver, etc. So it is fair to say that the South American Portuguese, who are all descendants from the barbaric Portuguese treasure hunters  still have that criminal gene, which is very difficult to hide or ignore.


That's not to say that the Asian Indians are any better. The ones that were brought over by the British were also of very low quality and morals. The Dutch knew that, which is why the Dutch hand picked their own source of Indians to come and work in Suriname. This is still reflected today in the behaviour and attitude of the Indo population between Suriname and Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The Portuguese that are descendent from the ones that came to South America centuries ago during the time of Vasco da Gama etc are in the whole the same ones with the murderous genes that caused them to wipe out whole civilizations of native Indians and thief their gold, silver, etc. So it is fair to say that the South American Portuguese, who are all descendants from the barbaric Portuguese treasure hunters  still have that criminal gene, which is very difficult to hide or ignore.


That's not to say that the Asian Indians are any better. The ones that were brought over by the British were also of very low quality and morals. The Dutch knew that, which is why the Dutch hand picked their own source of Indians to come and work in Suriname. This is still reflected today in the behaviour and attitude of the Indo population between Suriname and Guyana.

This strikes me as racist.  Please enlighten as to the differences in morality between Indo Guyanese and Indo Surinamese(not culture as it is known that Indo Guyanese are less "Indian" than those in Suriname). 


I invite you to tell Kari that his marriage to a Surinamer (I assume Indian) means that he married his moral superior for no reason other than she being a Surinamer.


Also were the Portuguese unique in their attitudes?  And what does the behavior of the Portuguese conquistadors have to do with modern day Brazilians, or for that matter Guyanese Portuguese.


You do know that the Caribs were very aggressive in attacking and slaughtering other Amerindian tribes, and evidence suggests, even eaten their male captives.  So how were they any different from the Europeans?


It turns out that humans aren't always very nice to each other, regardless of ethnicity?


It might strike you as racist, but is well documented in the historical papers of Holland and Suriname. At least a decade or so ago I had this same discussion with Gautam of Trinidadian fame on the internet after he wrote and published a book on the Indians from Guyana and Suriname.

The indentures that the British selected and brought over were the ones who were the cheapest. That included a lot of criminals who would otherwise have been executed back in Asia. The British banked on them succumbing to malaria etc from working the fields in British Guiana, thereby saving the British the cost of taking them back to India or giving them somewhere to live.

The Dutch hand selected their workers because they wanted a balanced society and community with healthy workers who would be highly productive. They had visited BG before that to see how the British were treating their batch of Indos and were not impressed with what they saw.


You can go and learn to read Dutch, then go through the Suriname and Dutch archives for more info. I already did that when I had to write a thesis on it as part of my degree course. Just ask Guatam how much hassle Herandu gave him in the 90s early 2000 and how the Trini government ended up shutting down their then most popular forum after Gautam was cornered and embarrassed by Herandu about the factual accuracy in his them best seller about the Asian Indians in the West Indies. 

Last edited by Mr.T

The Dutch gave Suriname a golden handshake.  Millions of dollars every year go to Suriname and to the benefit of East Indians living there.  What did we East Indians of Guyana get from the British.  Nothing but a bad beating. The French gave the East Indians of India French citizenship that they can use at any time.  The British gave us East Indians of Guyana a bad dose of racism that put us in the bottom of Guyanese society next to the Amerindians. 

Originally Posted by Wally:

The Dutch gave Suriname a golden handshake.  Millions of dollars every year go to Suriname and to the benefit of East Indians living there.  What did we East Indians of Guyana get from the British.  Nothing but a bad beating. The French gave the East Indians of India French citizenship that they can use at any time.  The British gave us East Indians of Guyana a bad dose of racism that put us in the bottom of Guyanese society next to the Amerindians. 

When aluh going take de responsibility and stop blamin white man for de harse shit PPP and PNC mek? 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Dutch gave Suriname a golden handshake.  Millions of dollars every year go to Suriname and to the benefit of East Indians living there.  What did we East Indians of Guyana get from the British.  Nothing but a bad beating. The French gave the East Indians of India French citizenship that they can use at any time.  The British gave us East Indians of Guyana a bad dose of racism that put us in the bottom of Guyanese society next to the Amerindians. 

When aluh going take de responsibility and stop blamin white man for de harse shit PPP and PNC mek? 

Kapkap, wah you nh shet you porkey if you nah get sense fuh seh?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Dutch gave Suriname a golden handshake.  Millions of dollars every year go to Suriname and to the benefit of East Indians living there.  What did we East Indians of Guyana get from the British.  Nothing but a bad beating. The French gave the East Indians of India French citizenship that they can use at any time.  The British gave us East Indians of Guyana a bad dose of racism that put us in the bottom of Guyanese society next to the Amerindians. 

When aluh going take de responsibility and stop blamin white man for de harse shit PPP and PNC mek? 

Kapkap, wah you nh shet you porkey if you nah get sense fuh seh?

You cyant blame wite man foh de harse shit aluh create. hey hey hey...


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