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President Ramotar assures that Guyana will never be subjected to dictatorship rule of PNC/R

-- During fitness walk to mark Dr. Jagan’s 15th death anniversary


Georgetown, GINA, March 18, 2012

Source - GINA

President Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds today,  joined PPP/C supporters  in the  Annual Cheddi Jagan Fitness Walk, which seeks to promote the life, struggle and way-of-life of the late President.


The walk which is also to pay homage to the importance Dr. Jagan, placed in fitness and health, was also attended by Presidential Adviser on science and technology, Navin Chanderpal; Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edgill; Director of Sport, Neil Kumar and several persons living with physicals disabilities.


President Ramotar while recollecting the life of the late President, said that Dr. Jagan should be remembered for his hard work, aimed at building a better Guyana.


President Donald Ramotar receives plaque from William France, Differently Abled Athletic Club


He added that it was Dr. Jagan who fought for ‘equal rights and justice’ and as such, reassigned the National Park, which was once a golf club, into a recreational facility for Guyanese.


“From the early days, and even to when he became President Dr. Jagan still fought for the rights of Guyanese… I think of him particularly this year as the man who set out to build Guyana, “the President said.


Recalling the life and work of Mr. and Mrs. Jagan, President Ramotar reminded that under the purview of Mrs. Jagan, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport was initiated, with the aim of ensuring that youths are afforded an opportunity to be involved in social activities, hence the reduction of criminal activities.


He made a call for Guyanese to do whatever is possible to help contribute to the further development of the country, noting that the PPP/C Government will continue to inject huge sums on health services.


The Head-of-State also used the opportunity to remind Guyanese of the new dispensation of the country, of which the one-seat majority the Opposition is enjoying, to promote their dictatorial tendencies.


“As in the past, where we (Government), fought and defeated the Opposition after 28 years of rule, we will do so again and I don’t think it would be any different, as the Party will look at its weaknesses and address it,” he said.


President Donald Ramotar [centre],  flanked by members of the Grove/Diamond PYO group


This is necessary, the President added, in ensuring that Guyana, is never subjected to the dictatorship rule, of the PNC/R, which turned the country from being the most developed in the Caribbean in 1964, to being the poorest in the Region in 1992.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, urged citizens to live the life of the late President and to continue to be helpful to all Guyanese.


He assured the Government will continue to work towards the further development of the country, to ensure that all the needs of its people are catered for.


“We want to restore the confidence of Guyanese, the confidence that might have been lost in us,” the Prime Minister said.


At the end of the walk, a plaque was handed over to President Ramotar, for his sterling contribution towards the fitness walk from March 21, 1999 to March 18, 2012. It was handed over by Comrade France from William France, Differently Abled Athletic Club.


The walk is in honour of the memory and birth anniversary of the late President and PPP/C Leader Dr. Cheddi Jagan who died on March 6, 1997. Dr. Jagan was also known for his support and promotion of health and physical well-being.


Several activities are also being observed in various parts of the country to mark the anniversary.

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Thousands flock lawns of State House…to honour life, work of Dr. Jagan

Georgetown, GINA, March 18, 2012

Source - GINA

Thousands flocked the lawns of State House to celebrate the 7th Annual Cheddi Jagan Fun Day, an event organized by the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, in recognition of the life and contributions of the former President.


President Donald Ramotar who briefly addresed the gathering, spoke of the many developments under the leadership of the late President, and reminded them of the hardship he endured to ensure that ‘equal rights and justice’ prevailed.


A baby greets President Donald Ramotar

“Our country was in a very bad state. Poverty was with more than 90 percent, but it was when he (Cheddi), started the political struggle for freedom and independence, our country was reformed,” he said.


On the issue of transformation, the Head-of-State assured that all stones will be turned, to ensure that continued development remains evident, and committed to the latter, picking up from his predecessor, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo.

He said that the PPP/C Government will continue to work to ensure that reneweable energy is developed, so as to ensure that consumers benefits from cheap electricity.


The gathering at the Cheddi Jagan fun day, State House


“Better roads will be developed, as we (Government), work to have the deep water harbour come on stream. We have invested heavely in our people, be it in the education, housing or water sector, continuing the work of the late Dr. Jagan,” he said.


President Ramotar also assured the gathering, that as the Government celebrates the achievements of Dr. Jagan, development at its highest level will continue and called for unity to prevail.


Commonly known as the ‘Red House’ the Cheddi Jagan Research Institute is dedicated to chronicling the life, contributions, struggles and achievements of the Jagans in their pursuit to ensure that all Guyanese live better lives.


President Donald Ramotar addressing the gathering at State House


The audience was entertained by the melodies of the Shakti String Band, dances by the Shalita  dance group and the National School of Dance. The patrons were also able to visit several booths and the proceeds of the event will be used to maintain the Cheddi Jagan Research Institute.


Wah he a talk deh.  Abie gah elekshuns, if PNC win dem goa rule.  Is nah for Ramo or anybady fuh seh, is fuh abie, da peeple.  Dem rass see wah happan lass time, dem bettah shape up if dem nah waan lose.


Dr Cheddi was always a very fit and simple man.  I hope this Dr Cheddi Jagan fitness walk day is expanded to the Cheddi Jagan fitness week and continued into the future regardless of which government is in power.


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