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PPP Central Committee selecting Leadership smacks of cronyism

The current method that the PPP uses in selecting leadership must be changed from the current manner, whereby the 35 members of the Central Committee agree on leadership to the more democratic way of all members electing leaders.
The current method used is self-serving to those on the Central Committee. It is too undemocratic.
To explain to Guyanese how the PPP selects it leaders, I would like Guyanese to ask themselves if they are happy with just 35 people selecting who should be President of Guyana? Or, would Guyanese prefer for everyone of voting age to have a say/vote in who becomes President?
Of course every Guyanese would like a say in choosing their Leaders. This is the way that it should be. Only 35 people to select the PPP Leaders (hence, Presidential Candidate), in flawed and smacks of cronyism’ the system needs to be more open and democratic.
But, I do understand that those members on the Central Committee would prefer to protect their turf as oppose to making the PPP more democratic for future generations.
Sean Ori


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Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  DEm should select Namakaram Crabdaags and keep them as House Slaves.

The last time PNC selected candidates they had Guns pointed at individuals at Sophia but I did NOT hear any Ori or Puri!!!!!!!!!!

Or, would Guyanese prefer for everyone of voting age to have a say/vote in who becomes President?

This Ori dude is nuts. Why does he think that Guyana needs a system like the US? Does the PPP have the money to run a system like this? Does the PNC, KFC or any other party follow this? Where else in the Caribbean is this happening?

ksazma posted:

If all Guyanese select the leader of the PPP, there could be the risk of folks who don't like the PPP selecting a weak candidate. But I will definitely support a vote by all PPP supporters except that I doubt Guyana accurately identify who are PPP supporters.

The PNC voters can vote in a PPP primary too. It could be the PNC can set up their people to vote for a weak candidate. This Hori dude needs to have his head examined very soon.

Mitwah posted:

Nehru, the estimated membership of the PPP party is about 200,000. As per the present constitution, 35 members will meet to vote;  18 will decide who is the new Leader for the party. This smacks of cronyism and rigging. Don't you think that the system should be more democratic?

How so? A primary is not the way to go. I am sure there is consultation and a consensus before the 18 will decide.


The PPP was established about 65 years ago as a mass-based party. It was very successful for the first five years  and attracted Guyanese from all social strata and ethnic groups;  Africans, Indians,  Portuguese, Chinese and Amerindians flocked to the Party. 

It was in 1969, five years after losing office, transformed itself  into a disciplined " Leninist-type of party.”  It adopted Leninist organisational principles and methods which it defined to be: β€œdemocratic centralism and collective leadership in decision-making”.

But as Ori said: But, I do understand that those members on the Central Committee would prefer to protect their turf as oppose to making the PPP more democratic for future generations.

If the PPP does not reinvent itself, it will die a slow death.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

If all Guyanese select the leader of the PPP, there could be the risk of folks who don't like the PPP selecting a weak candidate. But I will definitely support a vote by all PPP supporters except that I doubt Guyana accurately identify who are PPP supporters.

The PNC voters can vote in a PPP primary too. It could be the PNC can set up their people to vote for a weak candidate. This Hori dude needs to have his head examined very soon.

Focus on the PPP. How is the PPP able to boast of 200,000 membership? 

skeldon_man posted:


Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  DEm should select Namakaram Crabdaags and keep them as House Slaves.

The last time PNC selected candidates they had Guns pointed at individuals at Sophia but I did NOT hear any Ori or Puri!!!!!!!!!!

Or, would Guyanese prefer for everyone of voting age to have a say/vote in who becomes President?

This Ori dude is nuts. Why does he think that Guyana needs a system like the US? Does the PPP have the money to run a system like this? Does the PNC, KFC or any other party follow this? Where else in the Caribbean is this happening?

Please focus on the PPP constitution; it's "democratic centralism" and the fact that: The current method used is self-serving to those on the Central Committee. It is too undemocratic.

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

If all Guyanese select the leader of the PPP, there could be the risk of folks who don't like the PPP selecting a weak candidate. But I will definitely support a vote by all PPP supporters except that I doubt Guyana accurately identify who are PPP supporters.

The PNC voters can vote in a PPP primary too. It could be the PNC can set up their people to vote for a weak candidate. This Hori dude needs to have his head examined very soon.

Focus on the PPP. How is the PPP able to boast of 200,000 membership? 

Is the PPP the only political party in Guyana doing this? I remember seeing an armed PNC supporter at Congress Place during their selection. It's the PPP constitution just like the PNC have their constitution. The PPP membership just like the PNC membership is based on race.


Democratic Centralism is not democracy. Uncle Ralph said in one of his articles: This obsolete system prevailed in the Soviet Union and other communist countries, and is widely regarded as more centralistic than democratic. Ordinary party members elect delegates to Congress, who elect the Central Committee, who then elect the Executive Committee, who then elect the leaders who run the Party.  Ordinary members, simply, are not allowed to elect Party leaders β€˜directly.’ They, therefore, have no real control over who will emerge eventually as their leaders. This is exactly what led to the alienation that was evident on the Corentyne in the November 2011 General and Regional elections. 

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

If all Guyanese select the leader of the PPP, there could be the risk of folks who don't like the PPP selecting a weak candidate. But I will definitely support a vote by all PPP supporters except that I doubt Guyana accurately identify who are PPP supporters.

The PNC voters can vote in a PPP primary too. It could be the PNC can set up their people to vote for a weak candidate. This Hori dude needs to have his head examined very soon.

Focus on the PPP. How is the PPP able to boast of 200,000 membership? 

Is the PPP the only political party in Guyana doing this? I remember seeing an armed PNC supporter at Congress Place during their selection. It's the PPP constitution just like the PNC have their constitution. The PPP membership just like the PNC membership is based on race.

So what caused the PPP to change from a mass-based party when it was established 65 years ago?


Maybe back in the 50s it was either the PPP or the Foreigners. That is not the case anymore and the only surety the PPP has that there wouldn't be any hostile infiltration is by limiting the selection to the group that they have confidence in. Even Trotman was bemoaning the other day that an close insider snitched on them with regard to the US$18M. Snaffoo. So we see that the Coalition government is also limited in their actions.

skeldon_man posted:


Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  DEm should select Namakaram Crabdaags and keep them as House Slaves.

The last time PNC selected candidates they had Guns pointed at individuals at Sophia but I did NOT hear any Ori or Puri!!!!!!!!!!

Or, would Guyanese prefer for everyone of voting age to have a say/vote in who becomes President?

This Ori dude is nuts. Why does he think that Guyana needs a system like the US? Does the PPP have the money to run a system like this? Does the PNC, KFC or any other party follow this? Where else in the Caribbean is this happening?

If that what Ori wants then he should be protesting the Granger administration for taking control of GECOM and abolishing the Carter Formula. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mitwah posted:

Democratic Centralism is not democracy. Uncle Ralph said in one of his articles: This obsolete system prevailed in the Soviet Union and other communist countries, and is widely regarded as more centralistic than democratic. Ordinary party members elect delegates to Congress, who elect the Central Committee, who then elect the Executive Committee, who then elect the leaders who run the Party.  Ordinary members, simply, are not allowed to elect Party leaders β€˜directly.’ They, therefore, have no real control over who will emerge eventually as their leaders. This is exactly what led to the alienation that was evident on the Corentyne in the November 2011 General and Regional elections. 

Right or Wrong!  It still does not justify government control of the electoral machinery.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:

Democratic Centralism is not democracy. Uncle Ralph said in one of his articles: This obsolete system prevailed in the Soviet Union and other communist countries, and is widely regarded as more centralistic than democratic. Ordinary party members elect delegates to Congress, who elect the Central Committee, who then elect the Executive Committee, who then elect the leaders who run the Party.  Ordinary members, simply, are not allowed to elect Party leaders β€˜directly.’ They, therefore, have no real control over who will emerge eventually as their leaders. This is exactly what led to the alienation that was evident on the Corentyne in the November 2011 General and Regional elections. 

Right or Wrong!  It still does not justify government control of the electoral machinery.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
skeldon_man posted:


Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  DEm should select Namakaram Crabdaags and keep them as House Slaves.

The last time PNC selected candidates they had Guns pointed at individuals at Sophia but I did NOT hear any Ori or Puri!!!!!!!!!!

Or, would Guyanese prefer for everyone of voting age to have a say/vote in who becomes President?

This Ori dude is nuts. Why does he think that Guyana needs a system like the US? Does the PPP have the money to run a system like this? Does the PNC, KFC or any other party follow this? Where else in the Caribbean is this happening?

If that what Ori wants then he should be protesting the Granger administration for taking control of GECOM and abolishing the Carter Formula. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  DEm should select Namakaram Crabdaags and keep them as House Slaves.

The last time PNC selected candidates they had Guns pointed at individuals at Sophia but I did NOT hear any Ori or Puri!!!!!!!!!!

Or, would Guyanese prefer for everyone of voting age to have a say/vote in who becomes President?

This Ori dude is nuts. Why does he think that Guyana needs a system like the US? Does the PPP have the money to run a system like this? Does the PNC, KFC or any other party follow this? Where else in the Caribbean is this happening?

If that what Ori wants then he should be protesting the Granger administration for taking control of GECOM and abolishing the Carter Formula. 

Sean Ori seems to be wandering aimlessly.


The PPP was reduced  to a minority government in the previous election. In the 2015 election, the PPP was voted out of office. In 2020 it will lack state power and access to billions of dollars in state resources  to be used for political patronage and cronyism.  'The PPP central executive and the β€˜Gang of 8’ is facing a gloomy future.

Mitwah posted:

The PPP was reduced  to a minority government in the previous election. In the 2015 election, the PPP was voted out of office. In 2020 it will lack state power and access to billions of dollars in state resources  to be used for political patronage and cronyism.  'The PPP central executive and the β€˜Gang of 8’ is facing a gloomy future.

Are you saying the 2020 elections will be rigged in favor of the PNC?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:

The PPP was reduced  to a minority government in the previous election. In the 2015 election, the PPP was voted out of office. In 2020 it will lack state power and access to billions of dollars in state resources  to be used for political patronage and cronyism.  'The PPP central executive and the β€˜Gang of 8’ is facing a gloomy future.

Are you saying the 2020 elections will be rigged in favor of the PNC?

I know you have better comprehension. Do you not agree with my observation?


The PPP Central Committee is democratically elected by delegates representing the different regions. However,this can be improved by allowing all members of the PPP to vote for the Leadership of the party by a secret ballot in each region. Any member should be allowed to run for office. The Central Committee electing the Leader should be abolished. It is outdated.

The PNC also is lacking of a democratic process. It is very difficult to challenge the perceived leadership of the party. There is a lot of coercion.

The political parties in Guyana say they are democratic, but they do not walk the talk. The members of all political parties must demand change in their respective parties. When this occurs, local and national elections would be democratic and Guyanese would respect the wishes of the majority.

Democracy must start at the grassroots. No to dictatorship and long live democracy.

BGMAN posted:

The PPP Central Committee is democratically elected by delegates representing the different regions. However,this can be improved by allowing all members of the PPP to vote for the Leadership of the party by a secret ballot in each region. Any member should be allowed to run for office. The Central Committee electing the Leader should be abolished. It is outdated.

The PNC also is lacking of a democratic process. It is very difficult to challenge the perceived leadership of the party. There is a lot of coercion.

The political parties in Guyana say they are democratic, but they do not walk the talk. The members of all political parties must demand change in their respective parties. When this occurs, local and national elections would be democratic and Guyanese would respect the wishes of the majority.

Democracy must start at the grassroots. No to dictatorship and long live democracy.

Agreed, on all points!

BGMAN posted:

The PPP Central Committee is democratically elected by delegates representing the different regions. However,this can be improved by allowing all members of the PPP to vote for the Leadership of the party by a secret ballot in each region. Any member should be allowed to run for office. The Central Committee electing the Leader should be abolished. It is outdated.

The PNC also is lacking of a democratic process. It is very difficult to challenge the perceived leadership of the party. There is a lot of coercion.

The political parties in Guyana say they are democratic, but they do not walk the talk. The members of all political parties must demand change in their respective parties. When this occurs, local and national elections would be democratic and Guyanese would respect the wishes of the majority.

Democracy must start at the grassroots. No to dictatorship and long live democracy.

Any member of the Guyanese public can run for office.  How do you think we ended up with the AFC and all these third forces over the years?  The problem with ANY member is that many of them who see themselves as Presidential material are actually inexperienced, or lacking in the basic qualities of a good leader.

The PPP Central Committee could be restructured to include a wider cross section of those with the proper knowledge and credibility to choose the Party Leader.  

But the PPP leadership is the least of Guyana's political problems right now. The country is in a crisis and the current leadership needs to be held accountable.  The constitution, separation of powers, and GECOM as the machinery that ensures a fair democratic process should be functioning to its best capacity to move the country forward.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
BGMAN posted:

The PPP Central Committee is democratically elected by delegates representing the different regions. However,this can be improved by allowing all members of the PPP to vote for the Leadership of the party by a secret ballot in each region. Any member should be allowed to run for office. The Central Committee electing the Leader should be abolished. It is outdated.

The PNC also is lacking of a democratic process. It is very difficult to challenge the perceived leadership of the party. There is a lot of coercion.

The political parties in Guyana say they are democratic, but they do not walk the talk. The members of all political parties must demand change in their respective parties. When this occurs, local and national elections would be democratic and Guyanese would respect the wishes of the majority.

Democracy must start at the grassroots. No to dictatorship and long live democracy.

Any member of the Guyanese public can run for office.  How do you think we ended up with the AFC and all these third forces over the years?

Obviously, and the people decide if they are worthy!!

The problem with ANY member is that many of them who see themselves as Presidential material are actually inexperienced, or lacking in the basic qualities of a good leader.

I thought you said there was a new leader, if so where is he/she hiding?  Who decides who is "presidential material" and who is not?  Everyone will remain "inexperienced" when overshadowed by someone who wants to remain THE relevant leader.  This sounds no different than the corrupt process ran by CBJ who got rid of those he do not like!

The PPP Central Committee could be restructured to include a wider cross section of those with the proper knowledge and credibility to choose the Party Leader.

Yes, I agree, a wider cross-section is welcome.  But let them decide, by secret ballot, who they wish to take the party forward.  They will exercise common sense and pragmatism and select the best candidate.  This is not the case right now!  Janet decided it will be Jagdeo and Jagdeo decided on Ramotar and tried to control him.  He ensured his cronies in OP thwart any initiative which he does not agree!  Leadership should not be a hand-me-down process based of personal likes or dislikes of a few!

But the PPP leadership is the least of Guyana's political problems right now. The country is in a crisis and the current leadership needs to be held accountable.  The constitution, separation of powers, and GECOM as the machinery that ensures a fair democratic process should be functioning to its best capacity to move the country forward.

We agree the country (APNU) has problems however, this does not preclude a democratic and transparent process in the PPP.  This should not be used as an excuse for status quo!

Listen, the PPP was C+ after 23 years.  BJ and his cabal did some things right but they were lacking in others.  Poverty and destitution was rife especially in outlying areas.  Someone else with HIS/HER leadership team was needed, take the good that was there, and address the short comings that was.  There were lots of incompetencies within the PPP Govt, too much cronyism, corruption and arrogance.  Ramkarran did not lambaste BJ and his cronies for nothing.  And he remained within the party, so no ulterior motive!

The PPP needs a fresh start or they can say bye bye to 2020!  You can rest assure, if the US sees the old cabal vying for power again, they will be there till 2025!  I want to see the PPP back in power, but not just a continuation of where they left off like we see now with the PNC!

antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:

Its funny how a pnc supporter raising threads about who and how the PPP should elect their candidates. This jackass should worry about his own party. 

You're saying that supporters should not be concerned about the general welfare of Guyana but only their party?

Read my comments again. A pnc soupie raising threads about PPP leadership selection process is suspect. 

skeldon_man posted:


Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  DEm should select Namakaram Crabdaags and keep them as House Slaves.

The last time PNC selected candidates they had Guns pointed at individuals at Sophia but I did NOT hear any Ori or Puri!!!!!!!!!!

Or, would Guyanese prefer for everyone of voting age to have a say/vote in who becomes President?

This Ori dude is nuts. Why does he think that Guyana needs a system like the US? Does the PPP have the money to run a system like this? Does the PNC, KFC or any other party follow this? Where else in the Caribbean is this happening?

Guyana has a parliamentary system so it will not be like the US.  The people should determine their representatives and the representatives determine the leader and the candidate via a democratic vote devoid of intimidation and coercion!

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