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New book with corruption theme launched


Posted By Stabroek staff On August 12, 2012 @ 5:11 am In Local | No Comments

“It tells us all about what has become routine… that’s corruption… what has become the inspiration for rum and coke for the perpetrators… and senna and salts for the victims,” said GHK Lall, author of Guyana: A National Cesspool of Greed, Duplicity & Corruption (A Remigrant’s Story), which he described as a book for those whose voices are muted owing to fear.

“I wrote this book to tell the story of those who are not in a position to articulate their experience… Every day I hear stories, horror stories of what is happening to others, at their homes and even when you go for a birth certificate,” Lall told a small gathering at the launch of his new book on Friday in the auditorium of Marian Academy.


GHK Lall

The author said that the story must be told because it is corruption that divides Guyanese and it could not be ignored since it is not denied even by the highest authority.

“No one, including the government of the day, disputes that corruption is a problem… the former Speaker of the House said that is was pervasive, the Head of the Presidential Secretariat not too long ago said that there is a sufficiency of evidence.


Well, well, well, if he can say that there is a sufficiency of evidence, we know we are talking about 20%, we know that we are talking about a whole universe,” Lall stated.


He said that only four people have so far read his book, and the reviews so far received, commented that there is much “anger” and “bitterness” expressed. “Anger? It is a recapture of the emotional temperature of the events that happened… it is also said to have a taste of bitterness – well that’s the harsh reality of Guyana,” he went on, adding that he was also told that it contains strong language.

Explaining the title of the book, Lall said it is intentional. “A national cesspool? It’s deliberate. It is intended to be provocative. It is intended also to see what I see. It is a national cesspool and we are all walking in it whether we like it or not.


Whether we want to see or hear, then we will smell it. Why national? It’s not a Georgetown problem, it’s not an interior problem. It‘s not Berbice or Essequibo or Demerara, it’s national!,” he repeated. Lall said that he was in a position to speak out in writing because he has the freedom from “entangling associations,” enabling him to speak as he pleases.

“I don’t need a new car, or a new house or an offshore account… I do not need that and I have the ingredients of mind, spirit and certain talents that allow me to say this is what it is, this is how it is, this is how I see it,” he told the audience.


Making reference to the recent shooting of Linden protestors, Lall said that these were three tragic deaths and the families are forced to have experts flown into the country because their own are not trusted. “We‘ve got to bring people from outside because we don’t trust our own people… what does that say?” he queried.


When asked about the solution to the corruption faced in Guyana, Lall said that it must begin with persons in leadership roles. “It’s a combination but it has to start at the top… We’re not going to have this from the bottom to the top,” he said.

Addressing the forum as well was attorney-at-law Gino Persaud, President of the anti-corruption NGO, Transparency Institute Guy-ana Inc (TIGI).


He explained that TIGI defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power, and corruption hurts everyone. TIGI considers corruption to be insidious, he said, and it undermines a country’s democracy, which involves human rights and civil liberties, and it leads to poverty.

“Corruption unjustly and illegally takes away the country’s resources from the masses by enriching the powerful minority. It is also said that corruption is authority plus democracy minus transparency,” Persaud noted.


Making very brief remarks at the book launch also was former auditor general, Anand Goolsarran, who said that he was very impressed with the title of the book. He noted that among Guyanese, corruption remains undisclosed because of a “fear factor” which has been instilled in persons, but he is asking everyone to speak up in order to make Guyana a better place.

“I have a voice, I have a view and I want to express it and I am asking everyone to do the same… I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m disappointed, I’m ashamed of what is going on,” Goolsarran said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I would like to read this book. Let me know when it is published. He should publish an ebook version. I hope he sets up a blog site where comments and reviews of it can be posted.


The author said that corruption divide Guyana and he is totally wrong. Corruption is wrong and it's part of the problem. A lot of work has to be don't from all parties to slowly weed out corruptions. What's dividing Guyana is the race card the oppositions are using against the ruling government to create unrest and fear in the nation and cause grievances to the working people to move freely. Mr. Goolsarran fear should start from the PNC era, and ends with the new AFC that couldn't come clean with the same corruptions we're speaking about. This is not one party's problem, its everybody's problem.  


The country as a whole must reject corruption. This is easier said than done. The aFC came out claiming to be anti corrupt but circumstances in their own party proved otherwise. 

Originally Posted by Prince Juno:

The author said that corruption divide Guyana and he is totally wrong. Corruption is wrong and it's part of the problem. A lot of work has to be don't from all parties to slowly weed out corruptions. What's dividing Guyana is the race card the oppositions are using against the ruling government to create unrest and fear in the nation and cause grievances to the working people to move freely. Mr. Goolsarran fear should start from the PNC era, and ends with the new AFC that couldn't come clean with the same corruptions we're speaking about. This is not one party's problem, its everybody's problem.  

The race card was employed by the PNC and PPP back in the days jagan and burnham spilt. The UF did much to imbed it into the mindsets of Guyanese by assisting in the financing of the PNC to conduct civil unrest. However, racism always played on economics and power more so, on economics and most afro Guyanese felt more entitled having experienced slavery and being the middle management of the civil service, But all this began to change due to the fact  during the 1920's to 1950's a very significant number of Indians became educated and what was perceived to be threatening the afro Guyanese domination of the power structures in Guyana. Burnham played this like a banjo and got afro guyanese dancing to the beat and the UF happily financed this with funds from the CIA . Everyone knows massive corruption  began with the PNC but it also flourished under the PPP and continues. When Jagan was elected in 1992 he did nothing to clean up the entire civil service neither did Janet so, what this did was to leave doors wide open for people like Jagdeo and his elite prada group to use the corruptive conditions for self aggrandizement. One can only be afraid that both the PPP and PNC - given their history - seek power for enrichment and , the AFC seems to have lost their focus and is now playing PNC and PPP politics instead of standing their ground on the principles they touted which invited them to parliament as part of government. Corruption must be the main concern of all political leaders and party as well as , all Guyanese and , Expats need to stop returning or visiting Guyana thinking they are more privileged and entitled. The Blame Game does not work anymore , blame it on burnham , blame it on jagan does mot work anymore the point is , it exists , it is endemic , epidemic and viral and it is consuming the entire society and transforming most Guyanese into crooks , bandits , thiefs and criminals . Guyana needs a good ass wiping .


Kid you make some good points. Guyana has alot of poor people. Now how do we get people out of poverty.  My concern is that there should be low cost housing, low cost/free education and free health care for everyone.

Originally Posted by kidmost:

The race card was employed by the PNC and PPP back in the days jagan and burnham spilt. The UF did much to imbed it into the mindsets of Guyanese by assisting in the financing of the PNC to conduct civil unrest. However, racism always played on economics and power more so, on economics and most afro Guyanese felt more entitled having experienced slavery and being the middle management of the civil service, But all this began to change due to the fact  during the 1920's to 1950's a very significant number of Indians became educated and what was perceived to be threatening the afro Guyanese domination of the power structures in Guyana. Burnham played this like a banjo and got afro guyanese dancing to the beat and the UF happily financed this with funds from the CIA . Everyone knows massive corruption  began with the PNC but it also flourished under the PPP and continues. When Jagan was elected in 1992 he did nothing to clean up the entire civil service neither did Janet so, what this did was to leave doors wide open for people like Jagdeo and his elite prada group to use the corruptive conditions for self aggrandizement. One can only be afraid that both the PPP and PNC - given their history - seek power for enrichment and , the AFC seems to have lost their focus and is now playing PNC and PPP politics instead of standing their ground on the principles they touted which invited them to parliament as part of government. Corruption must be the main concern of all political leaders and party as well as , all Guyanese and , Expats need to stop returning or visiting Guyana thinking they are more privileged and entitled. The Blame Game does not work anymore , blame it on burnham , blame it on jagan does mot work anymore the point is , it exists , it is endemic , epidemic and viral and it is consuming the entire society and transforming most Guyanese into crooks , bandits , thiefs and criminals . Guyana needs a good ass wiping .

Deconstructing Kidmost's (not so subtle) anti-negro tirade:


Blackman, jealous of Indian success, collaborate with evil PNC to suppress Indian.


CIA/UF happily help Blackman oppress Indian [nah important why].


Corruption STARTS when Blackman come to power.


PPP come to power and commits mortal sin by not 'ethnically cleansing' the civil service.


Therefore, Blackman corruption ENDURED until Jagdeo & his elite group of 'aggrandizers' tek ova de corruption when Janet demitted office.


[I suppose that was when Blackman ownership of corruption actually ended]


AFC wrang for not giving 'critical support' to the [criminal] PPP


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