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Guyana Population 2014

90% of Guyana's population lives on the coastal strip, which accounts for only 10% of the total land area and is just 40 miles across at its widest point. Guyana has a very racially, ethnically heterogeneous population originating from India, Africa, China and Europe, as well as many indigenous peoples.

The Indo-Guyanese, or East Indians, are the largest ethnic group at 44% of the population, and they are descendants of indentured laborers from India. The second largest group is the Afro-Guyanese (30%), descendants of African slaves. 17% of the population is of mixed heritage, and the indigenous Amerindians make up 9%. The largest indigenous groups of Guyana are the Arawaks, Wai Wai, Caribs, Akawaio and Arecuna.

Guyana has only one city with a population more than 50,000. The capital, Georgetown, is home to about 240,000, or 355,000 in the metro area, and the next largest city is Linden with 45,000 people.

Guyana has experienced rather unstable growth and decline over the last fifty years and it's currently growing very slowly, a trend that will last for some time.




Guys data is hard to obtain from GOG,here is some

info i got from the net,me think's PPP

kaak duck,what you your view????





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Look at what has happened in two so-called PPP strongholds:



2002 CENSUS: population 49,253

2012 CENSUS: population 46,810

ie, a decrease of 2,443.



2002 CENSUS: population 123,695

2012 CENSUS: population 109,431

ie, a decrease of 14,264.

SOURCE: Bureau of Statistics, Guyana.


The Indo-population in other regions decreased also because of massive emigration and deaths.

It is not rocket science to conclude that the PPP is in trouble in its traditional strongholds and in bigger trouble elsewhere.






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