Today’s criminals are sophisticated and rely more on technology than those of a few years ago.  They can tap into a potential victim’s phone and listen to his conversation and track his movement.  On the positive side, the police can also tap into stolen phones to track criminals. I know of a case where this was actually done by the police.  Alas, the work was of no avail for the police refused to go after the criminals. Why? The excuse was that they did not have the manpower and vehicle, even though the victim offered to use his vehicle to take the police to where the criminals were hiding out.  This is what I call vertical integration of the business of crime.

I am afraid that merely tossing out bald, ethnic-free numbers about how much “serious crimes” have declined will not instill a sense of security into anyone. After all, “serious crimes” continues to be a major driver of Indian migration and a drag on economic growth and human development.

Yours faithfully,

Ramesh Gampat