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The silence of foreign diplomats on the Sharma issue is shameful

October 6, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,
Your Editorial of October 5 on the closure of Channel 6 and the actions by the president against Mr. Sharma sums up all aspects of this case and I applaud your concise and incisive comments.
To close down Channel 6 just before general elections is an act of provocation against all the opposition parties contesting the upcoming elections.
As a matter of fact, one could even venture to say that this act of shutting down Mr.Sharma by this PPP government, is a betrayal of the concept of free and fair elections which President Cheddi fought for with all his might.
With this slap in the face of a true democracy, how can we feel that free and fair elections are the reality on the ground? With this closure of Channel 6, there can be no free and fair elections!
All the foreign diplomats should be ashamed of themselves for their silence on the Sharma issue. They should remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi:
“…It is, of course, easy enough for the Government to launch out prosecutions or to pass repressive ordinances against the press but these fail except very temporarily…freedom of the press is a precious privilege that no country can forego….there should be no legislative checks on the press save that of the mildest character…the real remedy (to bad press) is healthy public opinion that will refuse to patronize poisonous press…”
This closure of Channel 6 does not, in any way, conform to the norms of a democratic country and all those who fought for our freedoms are all probably all turning over in their graves.
Shame on this government, and shame on all those who stand by and do nothing, especially those foreign diplomats who would never tolerate such a thing happening in their respective countries, unless it’s Cuba or China.
We are headed straight for trouble!
Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

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I wonder when Gonslaves and Shridath Ramphal going to retract their glowing praises on Guyanese Televison about the great man Bharrat Jagdeo is on his Appreciation Day event.

Both men are meddlesome, one a foreigner and the other noted for his contempt of Guyanese freedom and liberty.
diplomats must be running for cover, jagdeo has shown complete ability to cuss out diplomats per wikileaks and he has also asked for the removal of many, India and Canada both have had to pull their ambassadors.
Originally posted by seignet:

This is a man who routinely has sex with minors and then intimidates teh judicial system to leave him alone. So told to me by Vincentians. This man along with Denzil Douglas of St Kitts, are the two most corrupt PMs in the OECS states. Putting then almost in line with the PPP.

Its a wonder that Denzil hasnt arrived in Guyana. In St Kitts they call him the Frequent Flyer because he spends more time on American Airlines than at home. So told to me by Kittitians.
Originally posted by Noel:
The silence of foreign diplomats on the Sharma issue is shameful

October 6, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,
Your Editorial of October 5 on the closure of Channel 6 and the actions by the president against Mr. Sharma sums up all aspects of this case and I applaud your concise and incisive comments.
To close down Channel 6 just before general elections is an act of provocation against all the opposition parties contesting the upcoming elections.
As a matter of fact, one could even venture to say that this act of shutting down Mr.Sharma by this PPP government, is a betrayal of the concept of free and fair elections which President Cheddi fought for with all his might.
With this slap in the face of a true democracy, how can we feel that free and fair elections are the reality on the ground? With this closure of Channel 6, there can be no free and fair elections!
All the foreign diplomats should be ashamed of themselves for their silence on the Sharma issue. They should remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi:
“…It is, of course, easy enough for the Government to launch out prosecutions or to pass repressive ordinances against the press but these fail except very temporarily…freedom of the press is a precious privilege that no country can forego….there should be no legislative checks on the press save that of the mildest character…the real remedy (to bad press) is healthy public opinion that will refuse to patronize poisonous press…”
This closure of Channel 6 does not, in any way, conform to the norms of a democratic country and all those who fought for our freedoms are all probably all turning over in their graves.
Shame on this government, and shame on all those who stand by and do nothing, especially those foreign diplomats who would never tolerate such a thing happening in their respective countries, unless it’s Cuba or China.
We are headed straight for trouble!
Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

Joey should himself remember Mahatma Gandhi. Any little thing happen and the man want to kick, punch and slap. This is the man who want to physically fight Ralph and Freddy Kisson. Practice what you preach Joey.
Joey Jagan is a waste of time but what you are seeing happening all over Guyana is that the people are turning on the PPP and Jagdeo and Ramotar and this is not something that they saw coming because they were too high up in their ivory towers.

Uncle hen you out there today?

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