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Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Ask an AFC goon which way he is going to vote, and he will probably tell you AFC. Ask him, however, why, and he will tell you he wants the PNC to win-.
You do not get to decide what a win is. The AFC has two path to victory. That is because their main objective is not like the PPP, simply to capture the state for personal enrichment.

It is to change the condition of the Guyanese people long trapped in a socio/political stasis because of race. The win when ever they serve to bring democracy back on line.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
AFC ---if you’re not in it to win it then why are you in it?

To split it

Like the UF did in 1964. The Amerindians join with the PNC to cheat the PPP of a simple majority. Apparantly some people wamts to go back to the good ole daze...

Jagdeo, his 40 thieves and their good old days is coming to an end, when the poor in Guyana will be recognized and respected as equal citizens of Guyana.

People pocket done.
De grave train bruk. Jail time start.

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