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Former Member

i want to meet people from this forum, i'll tell you why, i'm from venezuela, my native language is the spanish, but always i have consider myself autodidactic and i wish can speak english some day, i love the english, and to be sincered i knew so little about guyana so basically i'm taking advantage to learn english every day more investigating about guyana, because your native language is the english, i hope do not throw me out from this forum. if someone want to learn spanish, we can change knowledges english for spanish and viceverce.

At moment i wrote this post, i used the google translator for someone words, but i feeling that i can with it. without more to add thanks so much guys.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jhosep posted:

many people in Guyana speak spanish or not ?

Bienvenidos Joseph. Hablamos ingles, officialmente, pero tenemos problemas con la lengua como tu. En realidad, nosotros  hablamos creoles; algo casi de cerca de tu quires ir por ahi, no vas a tener dificultad cerca la frontera. Los indios hablan espanol y ingles bastante bien.   Mi mama es de un pueblo de cerca de venezuela, Kaikan. Tenemos familia en uno y otro lado de la frontera. No puedo escriber espanol bien. Lo hablo mejor.

Jhosep posted:

good point, so you don't speak the same US english ? but obviously you can understand it.

La mayoria de la gente aqui habla ingles bien. La mayoria de nosotros vivimos en los Estados Unidos, pero algunos estan en Canada e Inglaterra.    No tenemos ningun problema con el ingles americanoo ingles en general.  Estaba hablando de la gente en nuestro pais de origen, la mayoria de los cuales hablan criollo en vez de ingles como su primera lengua.

Since you need to learn english... I will be using it instead of spanish. Anyways, I do not have a spanish keyboard so miss out on the diacritical signs. 

Stormborn posted:

Since you need to learn english... I will be using it instead of spanish. Anyways, I do not have a spanish keyboard so miss out on the diacritical signs. 

Might as well. Seems like Jhosep didn't understand your Spanish. 

Jhosep posted:

stormborn's spanish is perfect, i wish can someday write english perfect, like he, wrote spanish

Jhosep, welcome aboard. You seem to express yourself well in English. Looks like our Stormy knows more Spanish than you do. Now, you sure you are from the hostile neighboring country? Looks like you were educated in an English country.

skeldon_man posted:
Jhosep posted:

stormborn's spanish is perfect, i wish can someday write english perfect, like he, wrote spanish

Jhosep, welcome aboard. You seem to express yourself well in English. Looks like our Stormy knows more Spanish than you do. Now, you sure you are from the hostile neighboring country? Looks like you were educated in an English country.

i know a basic english, i mean very basic and the major cases i use google translator before post, so i can learn more english using it, this is the reason by i try to write in english.

Pero si hablamos en castellano podria decirte que si lo hablo perfecto ya que es mi lengua natal, y si soy de venezuela o ( hostile neighboring country) solo a modo de curiosidad por que dices hostil ? por la crisis economica y humanitaria que vivimos ? yo diria mas bien, unfortuned country. hostil suena como a pais rebelde o belico. te quiero amigo si soy venezolano.

skeldon_man posted:
Jhosep posted:

stormborn's spanish is perfect, i wish can someday write english perfect, like he, wrote spanish

Jhosep, welcome aboard. You seem to express yourself well in English. Looks like our Stormy knows more Spanish than you do. Now, you sure you are from the hostile neighboring country? Looks like you were educated in an English country.

Maybe a GNIer who's suspended or banned. 

skeldon_man posted:
Jhosep posted:

stormborn's spanish is perfect, i wish can someday write english perfect, like he, wrote spanish

Jhosep, welcome aboard. You seem to express yourself well in English. Looks like our Stormy knows more Spanish than you do. Now, you sure you are from the hostile neighboring country? Looks like you were educated in an English country.

I speak spanish but it is not native to me. My mom who grew up speaking spanish corrects me  often enough. So does my sister who presently lives between Spain and Canada.  I often discover I do not know the names of common things and have to ask.  My spanish is from travels and from speaking to spanish folks here. I have not lived in the culture or formally studied it sufficiently long enough for it to be natural to me.

To that end I think my french is better than my spanish since I studied it and spent extended times hanging out in Montreal and Quebec as a kid and many summers in France and Belgium as an adult. However, I read a lot in french and look at international movies and speak to my french friends just to keep it alive.

We ought to separate the people from the policy of the political elites of the country. Venezuelans accepted some 80 thousand Guyanese in el tigre when our country was having problems. These were mostly indians who migrated there as Sunil can affirm since he knows venezuela. I spent a summer there with my mother who has family there. We owe them a lot.

It is the reason I complain about the present policy in Guyana where the government not thought about a refugee policy or how to accommodate our people who are returning. Only yesterday, the an amerindian chief in the Barima area noted his village is doubled because of families returning. He is welcoming them back with open arms. 

Our government must accept its responsibility to protect refugees and our own people bringing their new Venezuelan family as the come home to escape poverty.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Jhosep posted:

stormborn's spanish is perfect, i wish can someday write english perfect, like he, wrote spanish

Jhosep, welcome aboard. You seem to express yourself well in English. Looks like our Stormy knows more Spanish than you do. Now, you sure you are from the hostile neighboring country? Looks like you were educated in an English country.

Maybe a GNIer who's suspended or banned. 

Missy Miss, I am not suspended or banned.  So be careful with your wishful thinking!!

Bibi Haniffa
GTAngler posted:
cain posted:

I am surprised his hotmail account was accepted on signup.

As long as he stays on his side of the border.......

Columbia accepted 1 million Venezuelans. We have to do our part since they accepted us when we were in dire straits. The government is beginning to recognize that and is trying to develop a plan to manage the inevitable refugees.  

Stormborn posted:
GTAngler posted:
cain posted:

I am surprised his hotmail account was accepted on signup.

As long as he stays on his side of the border.......

Columbia accepted 1 million Venezuelans. We have to do our part since they accepted us when we were in dire straits. The government is beginning to recognize that and is trying to develop a plan to manage the inevitable refugees.  

You did see the Grinning Emoticons and where I liked a previous post alluding to the same, right?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Missy Miss, I am not suspended or banned.  So be careful with your wishful thinking!!

I was thinking of others who have been suspended or banned. You were the furthest from my thoughts. 

GTAngler posted:
Stormborn posted:
GTAngler posted:
cain posted:

I am surprised his hotmail account was accepted on signup.

As long as he stays on his side of the border.......

Columbia accepted 1 million Venezuelans. We have to do our part since they accepted us when we were in dire straits. The government is beginning to recognize that and is trying to develop a plan to manage the inevitable refugees.  

You did see the Grinning Emoticons and where I liked a previous post alluding to the same, right?

I do not speak emoticon. I never use it even in text on my phone.

Leonora posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Missy Miss, I am not suspended or banned.  So be careful with your wishful thinking!!

I was thinking of others who have been suspended or banned. You were the furthest from my thoughts. 

Don’t give me that bull crap.  You are looking for a fight in the right place.

Bibi Haniffa
Riff posted:

arrite ladies...let's not mess up Jhosep thread

da gal gat lang lang legs...nice nice you better run as far as them aquat hobbit legs can take will lose in a cat fite or any kind of fite.

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

Since you need to learn english... I will be using it instead of spanish. Anyways, I do not have a spanish keyboard so miss out on the diacritical signs. 

Might as well. Seems like Jhosep didn't understand your Spanish. 

Jhosep struggling with Google translate.


i joined this forum to try to establish conversations that help me to know more about Guyana, because in all my life, i had read or listen very little about that country and at my 32 years due the situation that my country, i'm thinking emigrate to some near country, so i beggan my reading about Guyana, you are asking yourselfs why this Guy is thinking on our Country ? my response: since i was a child i liked english, so i signed in here because is the forum of the most nearest country, whose native language is english, i thinked on know more about Guyana from hand of native people.

so sorry, if my staying here is annoying for cain or someone this isn't my intention, i only want gain more knowledge and consider travel to Guyana to try get a pacific life. althoug i can go to a country hispanic speaking, how i told u before that i love english and i wish can speak it. love u guys.

Riff posted:

feel free to post here...Guyanese are sensitive about Venezuela's claim to most of Guyana's territory

Absolutely. Nothing personal. Most of the Venezuelans I know over here actually hate Maduro with a passion. My accountant is Venezuelan and she always gets upset when I jokingly pretend to hate Venezuelans.

Stormborn posted:
Riff posted:

arrite ladies...let's not mess up Jhosep thread

da gal gat lang lang legs...nice nice you better run as far as them aquat hobbit legs can take will lose in a cat fite or any kind of fite.

aquat hobbit legs???

what yuh talkin bout bannas...

Jhosep posted:

i joined this forum to try to establish conversations that help me to know more about Guyana, because in all my life, i had read or listen very little about that country and at my 32 years due the situation that my country, i'm thinking emigrate to some near country, so i beggan my reading about Guyana, you are asking yourselfs why this Guy is thinking on our Country ? my response: since i was a child i liked english, so i signed in here because is the forum of the most nearest country, whose native language is english, i thinked on know more about Guyana from hand of native people.

so sorry, if my staying here is annoying for cain or someone this isn't my intention, i only want gain more knowledge and consider travel to Guyana to try get a pacific life. althoug i can go to a country hispanic speaking, how i told u before that i love english and i wish can speak it. love u guys.

Stay a bit and you will get to know us. We are not a good representation of  Guyanese people.

We do not like each other most of the time. This is a political site and we argue and fight among ourselves all the time.

If you have determination you can do well in Guyana. The Chinese come all the way from china with little education and no english and they get by.

I suggest you get your passport together if you can. It is the main  reason that Venezuelans do not get permission to stay Guyana...lack of documentation. There are a significant number of Venezuelans in the capital city and you need to contact them for help.

I will see what I can do with names  and contact if I can. I really do not know any of these people. I just know they exist.


Last edited by Former Member
Riff posted:
Stormborn posted:
Riff posted:

arrite ladies...let's not mess up Jhosep thread

da gal gat lang lang legs...nice nice you better run as far as them aquat hobbit legs can take will lose in a cat fite or any kind of fite.

aquat hobbit legs???

what yuh talkin bout bannas...

trying to get her mad!!!

Jhosep posted:

so sorry, if my staying here is annoying for cain or someone this isn't my intention, .....

Nope I am not annoyed with you just stating a fact. This site does not accept hotmail accounts and I wondered if this has changed...nothing personal.

Am I correct on this Amral/Riff?

Last edited by cain

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