Some Men Prefer Fat Women
A person with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater is considered obese. BMI is calculated as weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared and multiplied by 703.

Describe the perfect woman. Is she blonde, or brunette? Petite, or tall? Slender β€” or fat?

For a certain subset of the male population β€” referred to in the scientific community as "fat admirers" β€” overweight women are the ideal. And a recent study, published in The Journal of Sex Research, finds that not only do FAs prefer overweight women, but that they also find a wider range of body sizes attractive than other men do.

The study asked two groups of men β€” those who were scouted at FA events, and those who did not identify with the subculture β€” to rate black-and-white photographs of 10 female body types. Both groups were asked which figure they desired the most, as well as the largest and thinnest figures that they found attractive

Fact about Riff's, Cain and Cobra's possible fantasy, it's called FA: