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White and Light is afraid of Love

My whisper to myself through nerves detected that White and Light is afraid of love (force) so white people and the color white are afraid of darkness or black. I have told you all what love is to my belief (Sodomy with the soul and God). Time don't want to turn to IT or the spirit by turning the head to look at me or you. They (truth) are able to turn brain functions on and off to suite their needs so the computer would be oblivious to them as they cause harm. They can apply the wrong thoughts to data or the word they speak or hear to mask what they are and maybe this is the method of hiding information of a conspiracy. So if I say I want an apple, I can apply the thought simultaneously of a plate or a sheet so the spirit IT interprets that. Those who are conspiring may exist as our flesh itself and they program IT through movements of the body like body language. Maybe that is why people are killed through violence or war but the problem is if you kill the flesh, the person and personality also dies so doing that is wrong since the feelings of the body may be nature or man. Whatever you were taught about love believe it and don't let my belief of love change that, it is too much of a risk being so delicate to the mentality. I don't want anyone to worry about anything because of me and do anything irrational because of what beliefs you may have due to my reasoning as a schizophrenic. Have a good night and have pleasant dreams. 


Ronald Anthony Arjune
Original Post