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Reply to "Trump says illegal immigrants are animals, they're not people"

Prince posted:

Mexico's Foreign Minister said on Thursday that recent remarks by U.S. President Donald Trump describing some undocumented immigrants as "animals" were unacceptable and that a formal complaint would be filed with the State Department.


Why doesn't Mexico allow every Haitian who wishes to flee that cursed nation to live in Mexico.  They will not so their hypocrisy about what is said about people who are illegally present in the USA is noted.

An immigrant is some one who passes through a process to be allowed to be permanently resident in a country, and to be put on a pathway to citizenship.

People who cross over borders in a clandestine manner and then who live in the shadows are NOT immigrants.  In fact they ought to be glad that in the USA they can live for decades and in some instances even excel.  Some are trying that now with Canada and have discovered that the Canadians have no patience for those who attempt to live in that country without being invited.
