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Reply to "The Delaying Tactics of the Cunctator - CJR"

Django posted:

"from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Leader of the Opposition"

adjective: unacceptable
  1. not satisfactory or allowable.
    "unacceptable behavior"


intolerable, insufferable, unsatisfactory, inadmissible, inappropriate, unsuitable, undesirable, unreasonable, insupportable

Banna educate yourself read the above.
You are thinking too much of jackasses and slop can,no wonder your stupidity is glaring.

I purposely highlighted "unacceptable" to show the flaw in this article, but since you only attended trade school you would not recognize the irony. This is the loop hole that article 161 gives jackass Granger to perpetually reject any list that Jagdeo provides. And this is the same flaw that you slop can carriers will exploit to justify jackass's stalling tactic. 
