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Reply to "Should I curse?"

Bibi Haniffa posted:.

Here we go with the lies again.  The black Guyanese in South Jamaica and Rochdale came out if full support of Richard..

And what % of the black vote are these Guyanese?  For David to win he had to impress the black AMERICAN voters.  In that part of Queens they dominate.  They also control the local democratic machine.

They barely tolerate black Caribbean people, but at least feel comforted in the fact that black Caribbean people face all the issues of life in NYC that they do as blacks.  And increasingly they are also intermarried with us so we become part of the family.

They will not trust an Indo Caribbean person unless that person shows that DESPITE not being black he will deliver services in a fair manner. As a matter of a fact these black Americans in Queens don't even trust black Americans from Brooklyn.

And he will have a chance in 4 years. Because if he doesn't then he doesn't have a chance ever. because after Adrienne is term limited there will be another candidate that will replace her.

David has 4 years to go over there and build trust.  Face it Indo Caribbean people aren't going to be involved in politics as they think that they can manage quite OK without it. 

Yes by all means he must establish a case to Indo Guyanese that they need to become more interested in voting.  But I think that it might require some one from that community actually winning office and then proving that having a voice in the political system can actually bring benefits.  The ironic part is that those Indo Guyanese who probably most need help are likely to be the ones who aren't even citizens.
